Project Brief 4 Reflection #2

My project to create a sculpture of a CD using the equivalent amount of storage space in floppy discs has proven to be quite difficult so far, as floppy discs aren’t as popular as they were when they were the main way if storing data. Sourcing the floppy discs has been very difficult as many places did not have the required amount of stock, had exorbitant prices, were based in the US and wouldn’t ship to Australia or had shipping that was going to take an extremely long time. I eventually found someone who was Australian based and had the required number of floppy discs on eBay. Having to buy them from Australia meant that they were very expensive and I had to settle for a single colour (yellow) because no Australian based seller had enough stock in multi-coloured packs. After trying to locate a canvas big enough to fit my sculpture of 486 Floppy discs in the shape of a CD, I have decided that that would be unrealistic as they would be too heavy for the canvas or getting the size of canvas required would be too large. I have done large amount of research into how I should go about way of making my sculpture and have decided to the glue the floppy discs together through the use of a hot glue gun that I have purchased from Officeworks.

Trying to figure out how I was going to lay out the Floppy discs out in the shape of a CD was a greater task then I had first anticipated with my original idea not working out and many subsequent ideas also failing. I finally decided that I would glue the floppy discs together into 24 stacks of 20. From there I would lay the 24 stacks out into the shape of a CD and glue them together from there, this has taken a very long time as the process of gluing each individual floppy disc to another isn’t as easy as I had anticipated. The glue guns tend to overheat when they are used for an extended amount of time, waiting long periods of time for the glue to dry and being aware to not get excess glue stuck on the floor (as my apartment is mostly carpeted and I am renting) or stuck all over the other floppy discs was also a problem. These have been the most troublesome tasks to overcome in the process of completing this project.

So far I have almost finished most time consuming part, of gluing the floppy discs into their stacks of 20, next I will glue the 24 stacks into the shape of a CD. I am confident that my method of the gluing the stacks together will provide me with the finished sculpture as I had envisaged, while I was thinking of the idea for this assignment.

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