Project Brief 4 Reflection #1

After my interview with louis, I became much more interested at how far technology has come in terms of the evolution of equipment. This inspired me to create something that showcased the transition and progress between old and new equipment. When I was in class, my friends gave me an idea that I felt was perfect for what I wanted to explore with project brief 4, the idea was to explore the evolution between old and new media by constructing a sculpture of a new form of media with a form of old media as the material. I feel this concept will show the contrast between old and new very clearly and get my point across quickly.

My goal for Project brief 4 is to create a sculpture that captures people’s attention. At first, I was thinking of using floppy disks to model an 8gb USB drive to showcase the vast differences in storage space. Thankfully, Daniel suggested I use a CD instead as an 8gb USB drive would be the equivalent of 5555.55 floppy disks, which would have been an absolute nightmare to acquire.

After some research, the cd did seem to be the best choice for the comparison I wanted as it was the most doable and least expensive to make. I will be using floppy disks as my material to create the sculpture of a CD, I used plenty of floppy disks back when they were the most popular form of media storage, I am excited that this project allows me a chance to interact with them again. I will be using the storage equivalent of a common compact disc(CD) to determine the number of floppy disks I would have to collect in order to fill up the sculpture. I have calculated that I would need 486.1 individual 3.5 inch 1.44mb floppy disks in order to fill up the 700mb of storage in a standard cd.

I am hoping to find a website that sells the colourful blank 3.5 inch floppy disks that were very popular back when they were they were widely used, they used to come in five different colours and would be a good variety of colours for the sculpture. I will be looking for packs of 50 that I could buy in bulk for a hopefully reasonable price. I would also need a canvas to make it on, I will look online and in Officeworks for one that could I fit the sculpture on. I am looking forward to starting on this project and I hope I will be able to source the materials that I need in time as floppy disks are not as widely available as they used to be and could possibly hinder my schedule of the sculpture.

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