Old’s cool- What libraries are to me

In Wednesdays class we were asked what libraries were to us and to show this through three photos.

Books: Obviously the first thing most people associate with libraries are books. These knowledge palaces are crammed with a wide array of  hard covered info rectangles and is the first thing I think of when I hear the word ‘library’.

Computers: Being at RMIT now for two and a bit years, the second thing I associate with libraries is computers, using them between classes to clarify what certain things that the teachers had talked about in class or to print out the weeks readings, the computers in the library have always my first port of call when in one of RMIT’s libraries.

Quite study areas: Finally one of the things I appreciate most about the the RMIT libraries (and just libraries in general I guess) Is that they are a safe haven from noise and distractions, a place that I can go to seperate myself from everyone else and is a place that I can be that is strictly for getting work done. Not saying that it’s the only place I can get work done, but seeing as my three other house mates and ‘The legend of Zelda: breath of the wild’ aren’t there I’m less tempted to procrastinate and am more focused on what I’m doing.

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