Networked media- Copyright

Copyright in a nut shell is the exclusive rights to something that you have made, so when it comes to blogging (especially in Australia) it is important to have a basic understanding of theses laws and to figure out how they affect you and what you can post online.

One of the of the most important things to remember (being Australian students who blog) is that we can’t claim fair use on posting someone else’s content onto our blogs since ‘fair use’ is an American doctrine. We here in Australia have something a bit different called fair dealing  which is a lot more strict/vague when in comes to what you can and can’t post.

But one of the great work arounds for this is to use works covered by a creative commons licence! the video bellow goes into great length about what the different types of creative commons licenses there are and is definitely worth a watch if your not to sure about what is covered and what isn’t.

Another good resource for RMIT students when it comes to copyright and blogging is RMIT’s quick copyright guide for blogs .

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