week 3

In this week tute we go in depth about the preparation of our individual interview assessment and the radio show. Bruce gave us extremely useful advice in terms of how to construct a professional interview. First thing we have to remember when constructing the interview…

week 2

In this week’s tute we talked about our assessments for RWAV. It includes 1 documentary and 1 radio show for the 3RRR. Details of the assessments including requirements, suggestions on choosing topics and interviewees: Diversity of topics, mix of story: social issues, arts, … No…

Room with a view- First entry/week 1

This blog was first created for Networked Media. After completing the course, I thought that it was gonna be a pity if I neglected the blog. Therefore, I felt a relief when Mr Berryman, my adviser for Room With a View asked us to write…

Creative Essay

Since the beginning of the digital media era, network literacy has become a debatable topic. There are various definitions for network literacy. However, in his article: “Network literacy: the new path to knowledge”, Adrian Miles (2007) provided a clear and detailed explanation for this complicated…

Week 11 reading

“The old sovereign societies worked with simple machines, levers, pulleys, clocks, but recent disciplinary societies were equipped with thermodynamic machines’ . . . control societies operate with a third generation of machines, with information technology and computers.”‘   The life that is evolving around us…

Week 10 wandering around

Callista: Narative form, which can be found in print and movies,  belongs to the modern age. Whilst the Database form ( a structured form of data and is organised for a quick retrieval in computer) belongs to the post-modern age .  

Thinking about networked media and network literacy

Since the beginning of the digital media era, network literacy has become a debatable topic. There are various definitions for network literacy. However, in his article: “Network literacy: the new path to knowledge”, Adrian Miles (2007) provided a clear and detailed explanation for this complicated…

Week 10 symposium

HOw to write essay: the flipped cone instead of the usual cone. ‘normal cone’: where we started the essay broadly and as we reach the end/conclusion it get narrower and deeper. But this time, Adrian suggested the other way around, which is starting broadly and…

Iphone 6 and iphone 6+

I’m so into the new iphones, can’t wait to have them.  but Iphone 6plus is way too big for a phone, it’s half the size of a mini ipad already!!