Week 12
Hurrayy it is the last week of RWAV!! I’m in Vietnam now so I couldn’t attend at this week’s studio, yet I still try my best to catch up with the folks. A few day ago (Tuesday i reckon) I finally I know how to…
Hurrayy it is the last week of RWAV!! I’m in Vietnam now so I couldn’t attend at this week’s studio, yet I still try my best to catch up with the folks. A few day ago (Tuesday i reckon) I finally I know how to…
Since the beginning of the digital media era, network literacy has become a debatable topic. There are various definitions for network literacy. However, in his article: “Network literacy: the new path to knowledge”, Adrian Miles (2007) provided a clear and detailed explanation for this complicated…
“The old sovereign societies worked with simple machines, levers, pulleys, clocks, but recent disciplinary societies were equipped with thermodynamic machines’ . . . control societies operate with a third generation of machines, with information technology and computers.”‘ The life that is evolving around us…
Callista: Narative form, which can be found in print and movies, belongs to the modern age. Whilst the Database form ( a structured form of data and is organised for a quick retrieval in computer) belongs to the post-modern age .
Since the beginning of the digital media era, network literacy has become a debatable topic. There are various definitions for network literacy. However, in his article: “Network literacy: the new path to knowledge”, Adrian Miles (2007) provided a clear and detailed explanation for this complicated…
HOw to write essay: the flipped cone instead of the usual cone. ‘normal cone’: where we started the essay broadly and as we reach the end/conclusion it get narrower and deeper. But this time, Adrian suggested the other way around, which is starting broadly and…
I’m so into the new iphones, can’t wait to have them. but Iphone 6plus is way too big for a phone, it’s half the size of a mini ipad already!!
I found these ideas interesting from 3 of my friends’ blogs: Anna Shang: ” I found the discussion of the neutrality of technologies an interesting angle of thought. Adrian explored different categories of technologies – how they are designed to be used in comparison to how they…
The Association of Publishing Agencies first International Content Summitwas a great event to attend, as a speaker and a delegate. As well as the many inspiring and useful speakers, it was the ambition and optimism of the industry there that was striking. This is the contract publishing industry,…