Week 8 wandering around

I found these ideas interesting from 3 of my friends’ blogs:

Anna Shang: ”

I found the discussion of the neutrality of technologies an interesting angle of thought. Adrian explored different categories of technologies – how they are designed to be used in comparison to how they are used in actuality.

My takeaway idea from the lecture came from the quote “nothing exists abstractly by itself”. It makes a lot more sense when I put this thought in parallel to the neutrality of technology”

Callista “I can’t help but agree, I mean who can live without electricity. Imagine living without internet, TV, A/C, Lamps, … etc I just can’t think. I think all of this power i.e. technology, electricity are here to drive us toward the future”

Apple ‘Is six degrees of separation possible without the aid and advancement of technology?  In fact, many people are being connected straight away because of the internet, the advancements of phones or walkie talkies, any mode of communication which does not require us to travel’