My very first post

Yes, I know, it’s been week 5 already, it’s been a little bit too late to represent my first entry. I just don’t often write. It doesn’t mean that I hate writing, it’s just because i’m not in the mood to translate my thoughts into words. So i’ve been obsoleting my blog until today, when I was so bored and thought why wouldn’t i publish something to my blog. It would be fun.

Well, long story short, here comes my first post.

Let me just introduce myself. I’m Linh, an Vietnamese girl who is currently doing Prof Comm in RMIT. Just like other ordinary youngsters, i’m struggling through an early 20s crisis in which I have no idea about the future and often torture myself with questions such as what my life will be when I turn 30 or what I should do to meet my assignments’ deadlines while still having the privilege of watching ‘how i met your mother’ all day long.

Some of my freaky facts: umm, 1st of all, I can make a hole on my arm, but too bad I can’t show it to you guys. So here’s another freaky fact of mine: I have freaking ugly bug bunny teeth :(. If one day you go out and see a girl with remarkably big bunny teeth, that should be me.

I and my bug bunny teeth

Some fun fact about me: I’m often shy, and when i’m shy, I have that killer, bitchy face that keeps people from approaching me. But in deep I’m an out-going girl who is desperately willing to get along with people and wish to have a lot of friends. Down here is a video about people who are suffering from bitchy resting face like me and willing to let people know what we are really thinking. loll.

Plz don’t hate me because of my bitchy resting face. I’m just silently suffering from the early 20s crisis, and shyness as wekk, and if you get along with me, you’ll know i’m not a bitch at all X-D


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