assessment 2


You will maintain a regular blogging practice, through which you document the development of you and your team members’ digital narrative proposals, using the concepts, theories, practices and skills introduced throughout the semester. From this blog, you will choose six posts for assessment. You will also do a presentation on your reflective practice to date, as demonstrated through your blog.

  1. Blog posts – Copy and paste the URLs from each of your six chosen blog entries into a new post. Give the post this title: ASSESSMENT TASK 2: SELECTED POSTS. You do not need to list the URLs in chronological order – put them in the order in which you want them to be read, and which best presents a narrative of your creative and reflective practice to date. For each link, write 1 – 3 sentences explaining why you have chosen this post. Any research, literature or influential texts cited on your blog should be correctly referenced in the Harvard style (which will be covered in the tutorials).

Important – copy/paste to the end of the post the following electronic declaration:

I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the assessment declaration.

Word count range: 2100-3500 words (approximately 300-500 words per post, including the new post of annotated links)

NB: It is important to understand that the quality of the posts’ content and presentation is far more important than the number of words used overall – the word count range is a guideline only.

  1. Reflective practice presentation – You will prepare and present a 3-minute presentation about your reflections on the development of the proposals for the digital narratives, as documented through your blog. You will present your pitch to the class during the tutorial in Week 9 (20 September). You will present verbally for no longer than 3 minutes (there will be a timer) using your blog as an audiovisual aid. You might include some or all of the six posts selected for Part 1 of this assessment. You may also refer to other students’ blogs, where relevant to your reflective and/or creative practice, e.g., if they are posts that you have commented upon, or that discuss the process of developing your digital narrative proposal, or that discuss your contribution to developing others’ digital narrative proposals, or that contain their feedback on your Assessment 1 pitch.

Due dates:

Selected and annotated blog posts – Tuesday Week 9 (19 September)
: 5pm

Presentation of your reflective blogging practice – Wednesday Week 9 (20 September): during tutorial.

Percentage of Total Mark: 30%

Assessment Criteria

You will be assessed against the following criteria:

F (0-49) PA (50-59) CR (60-69) DI (70-79) HD (80-100)
1. Selected and annotated blog posts


The posts demonstrate the ability to: analyse, practice, apply and reflect on digital narrative structures, designs, audiences, platforms and theories, professionally communicate in terms of structuring the entries for public consumption, research, referencing, proofreading, editing, layout, and maintain a regular, reflective blogging practice (no fewer than one post per week).

Blog posts are either not provided, or are incomplete, thus insufficiently demonstrating ability to maintain a regular, reflective blogging practice, or the posts provided insufficiently demonstrate the ability to analyse, practice, apply and reflect on the listed elements and/or insufficiently demonstrate the ability to professionally communicate in terms of the listed factors. The blogging practice could have been more regular, and the blog posts could have better demonstrated the ability analyse, practice, apply and reflect on the listed elements. The posts could have demonstrated better professional communication in terms of the listed factors. The blogging practice has been mostly regular, and the blog posts mostly demonstrate the ability to analyse, practice, apply and reflect on the listed elements. The posts mostly demonstrate professional communication in terms of the listed factors. The blogging practice has been very regular, and the blog posts demonstrate a clear ability to analyse, practice, apply and reflect on the listed elements. The posts demonstrate very good professional communication in terms of the listed factors. The blogging practice has been exceptionally regular, and the blog posts demonstrate an accomplished  ability to analyse, practice, apply and reflect on the listed elements. The posts demonstrate exceptional professional communication in terms of the listed factors.
2. Reflective practice presentation


Ability to make a well-structured presentation that comprehensively describes your reflective practice, verbally and audio-visually, in a clear and compelling way, making clear how you have integrated the theories and practices explored over the semester and reflected upon your creative practice, within the 3-minute time frame.

You did not present, or the presentation was neither clear nor compelling in either or both of its verbal and audio/visual elements and/or did not address the listed elements within the timeframe. The presentation could be clearer and more compelling in either or both of its verbal and audio/visual elements and/or the listed elements could have been addressed more comprehensively and coherently. The presentation was mostly clear and compelling, verbally and

audio/visually. The listed elements were mostly addressed in a reasonably comprehensive and coherent way.

The presentation was very clear and compelling, verbally and audio/visually. The listed elements were addressed very comprehensively and coherently. The presentation was exceptionally clear and compelling, both verbally and audio/visually. The listed elements were addressed with excellent comprehension and coherence.



This assessment will cover the following:

Course Learning Outcomes:

Critically analyse best practice in writing for diverse media.

Reflect on the structural complexities of digital storytelling.

Research and review contemporary digital storytelling strategies.

Create and justify content for a range of mediums and audiences.

Critically reflect on ways in which media and communication convergence influences and shapes approaches to creative writing.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Master a body of knowledge and specific technical skills to progress your professional career within the contemporary media and communication arena.

Critically analyse, synthesise and reflect on complex theories and recent developments, both local and international, to extend and challenge knowledge and practice in contemporary.