assessment 3

Digital Narrative Proposal and EPOC 40%


  1. You will refine and develop your digital narrative proposal, the structure of which will be covered in the tutorials, and is outlined in this template.


  1. You will produce an EPOC (electronic proof of concept) for your digital narrative. The options for your EPOC will be discussed in class, and might include a sizzle reel, filmed sample scenes, pilot, or prototype. (For more details, see the template, as linked above).


NB: you will work in production teams to help each other refine, develop and produce the individual proposals and EPOCs.


  1. Complete the supplied peer feedback template for each of the five other members of your ‘production company’. You are assessing their level of commitment and quality of collaboration to all of the team members’ individual proposals. Your assessment will contribute to their grade for that criterion.


For this final task the submission process is in two parts, as follows:


  1. You will upload your proposal (PDF) and EPOC to a Google Drive (you will already be set up with your own folder, shared only by you and the two tutors, within which you also receive your marking sheets for all assessments).


If there is more than one digital file making up your EPOC, part of your task will be packaging up these files into a tidy presentation in the folder.


You will also upload your peer feedback into this same Google Drive folder.


  1. You will upload a copy of the written proposal to the Turnitin portal on Blackboard, which will timestamp your submission and run an originality report (which checks for plagiarism).


Word count range: 4000 words(or equivalent)


NB: It is important to understand that the quality of the proposal’s content and presentation is far more important than the number of words used overall  – the word count range is a guideline only. The range also takes into account the non-written elements of the proposal and EPOC (hence, ‘or equivalent’), and the feedback for your peers.


Due date: before midnight Sunday Week 12 (15 October)

Percentage of Total Mark: 40%

Assessment Criteria


You will be assessed against the following criteria:

F (0-49) PA (50-59) CR (60-69) DI (70-79) HD (80-100)
1. Proposal (40%)

Clear and distinctive concept/idea, high level of innovation in storytelling, comprehensive detailing of storyworld, character, narrative, user interaction and/or participation, visualisation/mood/design, analysis of market and competition, feasibility of project, appropriate and viable release plan, production schedule with appropriate milestones.

Inadequate. Either your digital narrative concept and proposal is not provided, or little to no attention has been given to the listed elements. Average. Your digital narrative concept and proposal demonstrates a basic ability to provide the listed elements, but with a range of flaws. Your digital narrative concept and proposal mostly demonstrates an ability to provide the listed elements, and displays some originality and creativity. Some requirements not met. Your  digital narrative concept  and proposal demonstrates a very good ability to provide the listed elements in a highly original, creative and innovative way, showing depth and clarity of ideas and practical work. Your digital narrative concept and proposal demonstrates an excellent ability to provide the listed elements in an exceptionally original, creative and innovative way, showing depth and clarity of ideas and practical work.
2. EPOC (40%)

Polished and professional execution, appropriately representative of the content, tone and design described in the written proposal, sufficiently compelling to promote interest in future development of the full work.

Inadequate. Either your EPOC is not provided, or little to no attention has been given to the listed elements. Average. Your EPOC demonstrates a basic ability to provide the listed elements, but with a range of flaws. Your EPOC mostly demonstrates an ability to provide the listed elements, and displays some originality and creativity. Some requirements not met. Your EPOC demonstrates a very good ability to provide the listed elements in a highly original, creative and innovative way, showing depth and clarity of ideas and practical work. Your EPOC demonstrates an excellent ability to provide the listed elements in an exceptionally original, creative and innovative way, showing depth and clarity of ideas and practical work.
3. Contribution and collaboration (15%) Inadequate. Either you did not contribute to the development of others’ proposals and EPOCs, or little to no commitment was given to the collaboration. Average. Your contribution to the development of others’ proposals and EPOCs demonstrates a basic ability and willingness  to collaborate, but with a range of flaws. Your contribution to the development of others’ proposals and EPOCs mostly demonstrates an ability and willingness to collaborate, and displays some initiative, innovation and creativity. Some requirements not met. Your contribution to the development of others’ proposals and EPOCs demonstrates a very good ability and willingness to collaborate in a highly creative and innovative way, showing depth and clarity of ideas and practical work. Your contribution to the development of others’ proposals and EPOCs demonstrates an excellent ability and willingness to collaborate in an exceptionally original, creative and innovative way, showing depth and clarity of ideas and practical work.
4. Peer feedback (5%) The peer feedback was either not supplied or was incomplete (you will automatically receive zero marks for this criterion) N/A N/A N/A The peer feedback was supplied and complete (you will automatically receive the full 5% for this criterion)

This assessment will cover the following:

Course Learning Outcomes:

Critically analyse international best practice in writing for diverse media.

Reflect on the structural complexities of digital storytelling.

Research and review contemporary digital storytelling strategies.

Create and justify content for a range of mediums and audiences.

Critically reflect on ways in which media and communication convergence influences and shapes approaches to creative writing.

Program Learning Outcomes:

Critically analyse, synthesise and reflect on complex theories and recent developments, both local and international, to extend and challenge knowledge and practice in contemporary digital storytelling.

Master a body of knowledge and specific technical skills to progress your professional career within the contemporary media and communication arena.