Week 1 homework

Hi everyone,

Great meeting you all today, and starting our adventure into New Directions in Narrative!

A reminder of your tasks, to do before next week’s Wednesday session with Kim:

  1. Using the resources tab, and your own explorations, start looking at different ‘digital’ narratives, so as to be inspired first by form as you think about the proposal you will develop this semester.
  2. Write at least ONE blog post and publish to your individual blogs. As discussed, this might be inspired by the flipped lecture material, today’s tutorial discussions, your initial ideas about your digital narrative, digital narratives you have been exploring – or a combination of the four.
  3. Visit the other students’ blogs (links now bookmarked on the left sidebar) and leave at least ONE useful comment.
  4. Keep visiting this course blog, where you will soon see the second flipped lecture. You are expected to bring your questions, comments and responses to the material to the discussion next week.

If you weren’t at today’s tutorial, please email me your blog URL. If you don’t have a blog, and don’t know how to set one up, talk to Kim on Wednesday.

See you Week 3!


Stayci (stayci.taylor@rmit.edu.au)

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