
Mediafactory. Cool. Kinda try hard too I guess. Welcome to the first post in the new blog for networked media, a first year, second semester required subject for Bachelor of Communication (Media) students at RMIT. Welcome to the Bachelor of Communication (Professional Communication) second years, too.

semester two, 2014

New year, new semester, same blog, new content. But by all means feel free to trawl the archive to see the 2013 version of the course, the summer semester intensive, and of course what will turn up for 2014. We still don’t do blackboard. Variety of reasons but for now, we are interested in real world learning, research, and practice. So it is public, a blog, you all have blogs, and so on.

Staff for 2014 are:

  • coordinator: Dr. Adrian Miles – my blog, email, generic stuff
  • teaching staff: Betty Sargeant, Elliot Heatwole, Jason Tseng.
  • Use the menu’s above to find assessment stuff, readings, and there will be ongoing discussion and new material published to the blog very regularly.

    semester two, 2013

    This is the course blog. We don’t do Blackboard (the university’s ‘learning management system’). We’re ‘off the reservation’ in the wilds of the interweb thingie. We’ll talk about why throughout the semester. I’m pretty sure you’ll ask. I’m Adrian Miles, the course coordinator. I’ve planned it, errors and omissions begin and end with me. I’ll be there for the ‘unlecture’ slot, but that’s it. You can find out more about me on my site and my main research blog. The key teachers are Brian Morris, Elliot Heatwole, and Jasmine Roth. Readings, notes, assessments, ongoing discussion and notes, they’re all here.

    Contact details? Your teachers will provide specific details. I’m available at adrian dot miles at rmit dot edu dot au (we write it out to make it harder for spambots that automatically scrape pages for email addresses to harvest to figure it all out).

    Across the top, well, until I change the design, are links to key pages. But this is a blog, there will be very regular content. Read it. Keep up. Catch up. Link in.