Patrick writes about the Oyster service and wonders why it might not be available to an ereader like the Kindle. The simple answer is that Kindle is a very closed platform, there is no app store for kindle, it is in that sense a one trick pony. The better answer though is that by tying it to iOS (I’d expect android to follow) then, unlike the Kindle, a whole slew of social services become available in the future. Want to remember where you read, that book. Done. Want to share what books you’ve read? Done. Want to share passages from a book through the service, or via Twitter? Done. Want to let your friends know what you’re reading, or even share, on the train, what others on the train are reading? Done. That’s the quick obvious list…
Month: September 2013
The Long Tail
Lina has a nice dot point summary of the points. The next step is to think about the significance of this, as it turns out that this is the characteristic of what are known as ‘scale free networks’ of which the web is one. Lina, again, who enjoyed the Watts’ reading, with more notes and comments. Arthur has some ramblings on the Watts reading too, and yes, socially we have strong and weak connections, and there are dense clusters which is how the world becomes small (the six degrees scenario).
Oyster, Unlimited Books on your Phone
Relevant to recent discussions here, oyster is a service that let’s you subscribe for $10 a month and it works like a book library. Get as many books as you like. It is like or spotify for books, haven’t looked at it yet but the design experience looks good. The article on wired is worth a read.
Things to notice. It is not selling books, it is selling a service. It relies on mobile media, it is not selling ‘things’, it is subscription based which means an ongoing revenue model.
07 Reading (for week 8)
All of this week’s readings come from the one source, network scientist Laszlo Barabasi. The thread here continues the last lot of readings as we learn about loose ties, small world scale free networks, and the power law distribution. This is science about the ‘network’ in general, and the ‘laws’ or rules described I believe apply all the way from an individual hypertextual work (including the video works you are likely to make next year), through to a network like Facebook, and the Web in general. In other words the ideas and principals described here work at different structural levels.
Key Readings
Barabási, Albert-László. “The 80/20 Rule”. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life. New York, NY: A plume book, 2003. Print. (PDF)
Barabási, Albert-László. “Rich Get Richer”. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life. New York, NY: A plume book, 2003. Print. (PDF)
Optional Reading
This is from earlier parts of the same book. Back story if you’re interested.
Barabási, Albert-László. Extracts Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life. New York, NY: A plume book, 2003. Print. (PDF)
Unsymposium 0.4
The questions that one of the Thursday classes has raised (they’re an interesting set of questions by the way) are:
- What kind of genre is an interactive documentary? Is it still a documentary, or would you say that it is a new genre because of the hypertextual interface?
- If, “Interactive narratives have no singular, definitive beginnings and endings,” then what would be the constraints for an author of interactive media to control the interpretation of a narrative?
- What benefits and drawbacks does the ability for the user to determine narrative progression create?
- Can video games be considered hypertext narratives? How/why?
- How do you actually write a hypertext narrative?
- Why is hypertext considered influential in the future development of media making and storytelling?
Must Read
This excellent blog post is about advertising, design, and young creatives. Everything it says could and does apply to TV, radio, print, and our own university. If you want a snapshot of what your future career looks and feels like, and what you need to know and do to not be only the service company that films the clip once everyone else has decided what it is going to look and feel like, then read this. If you have questions, ask, in the blog, your blog, the unsymposium, classes. My favourite line, btw:
It’s amazing that so many agencies get away with saying they’re innovative but have nothing to show. Oh so you love being innovative so much that you never create anything internally? You’re creativity stops at client work does it? Do us a favour, stop the bullshit.
And as a teacher, my take away is that if you’re not at uni to be tested and extended and challenged, then what the fuck are you doing wasting your time here?
Multi Hyper Stuff
Chantelle ponders the idea of a book that changed each time you read it. This was Michael Joyce’s incentive to help build Storyspace, a hypertext writing and publishing program (before the World Wide Web), and is still one of the most elegant ways to think about the role of digital or new media in relation to making stories. There is order, but it changes, here is story, it is different. And it can’t be a book because paper makes it harder to do this. Rebecca picks up what we call a branching tree structure. I think I will talk about this a bit in the next unsymposium as the difference between a branching tree and a hypertextual structure is, perhaps, from the hypertext part of networked media one of the most important things to pick up.
Dominic has a brilliant post that points out why hypertext was a revolution. Yes, we now take it for granted, but to ‘get’ why it matters you really do need to realise what it was like before. I have taught in the past from hypertexts, but to answer Dominic’s question about why not present material this way? We are, it is niki, and you are building it. Brittany thinks about how a character that dies might be alive again. Two comments, this is a common trope in soap opera and so we don’t need multilinear narrative for it (well, except soap opera is also a particular form of multi-sequential narrative), though more importantly, if a character dies, and doesn’t, then the import, impact and empathy that happens in the death disappears. Which might risk diluting the experience?
Isabella discusses Landow, and likes the way that hypertext (and its progeny) lets questions be asked of narrative causality, character, plot, and story. Allison worries that if a reader can contribute to a text then the literary or narrative contract is broken. Except reader response theory, and all literary theory from around 1970 onwards shows, very clearly that when we read we do not, cannot, get access to the ‘mind of the author’. Their mind is not available, writing is not a pure expression of someone’s intent, even if it were it cannot survive into something else (all meaning is context based, no context is fixed around something, ever), and when we write or make we are as subject to language, grammar, genre, and the reader, as we are in charge (and depending on how far you push it, it is easy to see us as more dependent on these things that free from them). Nadine I think makes a very relevant observation, usefully bringing Bordwell’s film theories into hypertext. Art films pay more attention to reaction than action, they therefore appear cerebral, slow, contemplative. Compared to popular cinema they expand the moments between. This has, largely, been what the best hypertext fiction has, and more recently what a lot of the better interactive documentary does to.
Do, Be
Call out and props to Zoe, using the beginning and the next bits to begin to see that the really simple points being made are elegant and, well, not actually simple. Yoda a moment I think.
Anne Galloway (internet researcher come digital ethnographer) has a great blog post about what we all ‘ubiquitous computing’, well worth a read.