Watchu Saying?

So instead of writing a completely unrelated blog post this week, since the slight change to the participation checklist, I must instead review the blogs of others. So here we go then:


Kenton creates a sketch of Ted Nelson’s hypertext theory and identifies the plainness of Nelson’s notions through the drawing. I agree that the potential Nelson see’s in hypertext is something somewhat beneficial, however the need for such potential is largely exaggerated.


Gemma encounters an old friend – HTML coding and wonders why she hasn’t come across it such a long time, given her job description. I was also introduced to HTML very briefly in early high school years and upon being reunited with it this year, I am also excited to learn more about what coding has to offer, especially for us media students.


Kiralee makes the connection between the the abilities of hypertext and streams of YouTube videos with alternate endings / selective pathways. During this week’s lecture on hypertext, I too recalled fond memories of watching interactive videos. This inspires me to make my own ‘choose your own adventure’ pathway within blog posts, creating hypertext links within numerous blog posts across a period of time that transports the viewer between posts, piecing together a story.