No Copyright on Creativity

Copyright law is a field that definitely interests me. As a YouTuber, I am constantly reminded of issues of copyright through the site’s automatic detection program that restricts the presentation of the work of others, all in good reason obviously. I hope this week’s tutorial revolves around the complications of copyright law in all forms as I plan to asks a variety of questions:

1. Who owns the copyright of registered material? Does the creator own 100% of the copyright or does a cut get taken somewhere along the line?

2. Within the guidelines of the Fair Use Act, is it legal in all situations to use copyrighted material for non-commercial reasons if cited correctly?

3. Are children under the age of 18 allowed to copyright material?

4. Do all countries have a form of copyright law?

5. If I copyright my own material and make it globally available on the internet, what limitations or restrictions are placed on people using it as their own in countries where copyright law either doesn’t exist or allows otherwise illegal practices?

