Today’s studio was the creme-de-la-clem of studios, in regards to Online Video Experiments presentations. Today we presented project 4. Whilst our project did not need to be finalised for this presentation (as it would be digitally submitted later), this was our last opportunity to present our work in person to Seth and to the class. Fortunately, Errol and I had done a lot of work on the prototype video itself, bringing it near completion and because our prototype had transitioned through so many drafting stages, we were very confident in presenting our progress. With the help of digital diagrams as visual aid and a near completed prototype video, we were finally able to present our concept to the class in a clear and concise way that could be much more easily understood, primarily thanks to the help of visuals.
Also, the feedback we received was helpful in regards to finalising our work in preparation for submission, as well as the exhibition. Firstly, the functionality of our online video service is grounded upon the use of a moderator to organise content and this can be seen as a weak spot in regards to realistically making the service actually happen. Therefore, it was suggested that the we use the affordances of computers by making this an automated process, i.e. the use of hashtags. Also, given the hybrid video practice we have created is itself the collaborative form of skate video, it is vital we further understand UGC (user generated content) for discussion in our report and it is important that we push the collaborative factor as the integral component. Finally, this is a service we wish to advertise to media companies, meaning our report must include discussion regarding how memberships or financial support will be attained through the online service. As the finale studio for Online Video Experiments, reflecting upon the past 12 weeks I am excited about our progress from project 1 and how our ability to brainstorm ideas and present them concisely has developed. Furthermore, I am looking forward to polishing the prototype video and using it as part of video demo-reel to seek work or experience within the media industry at a later date.