During today’s studio we were encouraged to begin to think about how we could start making stuff as soon as possible in the hope that visual, rather than conceptual reflection would move the project along, whilst clarifying how the prototype might take shape. Areas/ideas to explore what aspects of ‘skate video’ can be altered and in what ways, within Snapchat in order to produce effective ‘skate video’:
1. Is a shorter or longer duration more effective? What is the minimum and maximum most effective duration within the limitations of Snapchat?
2. Is filming from a low angle or high angle more effective?
3. What effect does music have and is it important?
4. How might transitions be constructed within Snapchat ‘story’ and how effective are they?
5. Is a static or tracking shot more effective?
6. Is a first person or third person perspective more effective?
7. What juxtapositions are effective?
8. Is a long shot or close up more effective?
9. How important is a narrative relationship between images?
10. Is a double angle effective?
These are just some of the ideas that will be used to infer our exploration toward a prototype. These and more discoveries can be used to develop a criteria for the curationĀ of collaborative skate video within Snapchat. Furthermore, as well in reference to notions of quality and effectiveness, we developed ideas for how content may be organised through the curation process into groups. Group/category ideas include:
1. Type of trick
2. Location
3. Stacks
4. People form particular sponsors/company (e.g. Nike, Vans, Thrasher, etc)?
In addition to these ideas, Errol and I considered the possibility for each category to be distributed on one particular day of the week. This would create an expectation for the viewer in reference to the available content that day.
Interestingly, I couldn’t help but consider whether organisation by groups is particularly important for the exploration of our probe/project. Is it possibly more about seeing what hybrid form is produced naturally through the process of producing skate video within Snapchat and the organisational structure that is formed in the absence of curation. Moreover, is it what the natural structuring within Snapchat does to the narrative/non-narrative form that creates effective ‘skate video’ in Snapchat, or at least an effective hybrid form?