Monday 4th May Studio (Week 9)

Before today’s studio Errol and I had done some brainstorming to try and develop more concrete ideas for project 4. We had decided that Snapchat was definitely going to be used as the central online service for the exploration. Also, we thought about potentially designing a tool that allowed collaboration to occur between users, generating almost a database of skate video. The way content would be organised would follow a grouping of certain aspects, whether that be location, a type of skate stunt or some sort of aesthetic value.

Today’s studio was a self-directed feedback session in which each group got to brainstorm with the class, their ideas for the final project and help clarify their intentions in line with the aims of the studio. Upon presenting our progress, Seth assisted us to clarify and explain how the idea had been generated and what it meant for the development of a prototype. It seems the idea received positive feedback in terms of its quality in general, however it may be a bit too extensive for the allotted time frame and scope of the project. Really, all that is expected for this project would be to address a probe along the lines of:

How do we make skate video effective in Snapchat?

Rather than:

How do we make a collaborative skate video tool using Snapchat?

Errol and I are still keen to produce a collaborative tool but considering the prototype has to be designed to a point that it could be gven to a programmer, we just have to clarify how we are going to do that exactly and whether it can be done within the next few weeks. Most importantly, it seems we have to start from the raw online service and firstly determine how to capture skate video well in Snapchat, to provide the foundation before we progress toward any notions of collaboration and tool invention.


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