The feedback received both after our presentation of project 3 to the class, as well as to the RMIT panel consistently referred to a critique of the intended future directions surrounding notions of live broadcasting as a key focus. This was useful feedback because it made Errol and I reflect on how strongly we felt about pursuing live broadcasting. After more discussions we realised that we were primarily interested in live broadcasting for reasons too closely aligned with admiration of the technology, which takes the path of exploration away from the intentions of the studio regarding narrative/non-narrative form in reference to the case study specifically. For this reason, we looked back through all of our other sketches and tried to decide upon a new focus for the project. After brainstorming many of the sketches possibility to be selected (in order to increase the potential for creativity and not pick the first option – speculative sketching), we decided upon the use of Snapchat as a medium for our exploration. This reserved features of live broadcasting that we were interested in, such as the inability to re-watch content, but at the same time didn’t restrict us to live streaming of material. The many affordances and constraints of Snapchat would provide a perfect foundation for our exploration and so from here, we need to go back to the case study and brainstorm what we want to explore in project 4, go crazy making stuff with Snapchat and see what discovery we can make to produce a prototype.