Friday 17th April Studio (Week 6)


During today’s studio, Seth pointed out that a basic study and understanding of online video would be to make a linear video and upload it to Vimeo. Whereas this studio encourages us to create something new and different that is innovative in regards to where online video is heading or evolving. This is relevant to me because I often find myself pondering on the thought of doing a practice-led course such as the Screen and Media course here at RMIT, as a substitute for the more theory-led Media course. Why do I often think like this? And is this distinction between practice-led and theory-led that significant in relation to my career?


I think these notions are premised on my introduction to media being prodimentaly technical and practice based. In addition, in many areas of education I tend to enjoy learning the practical skills and experimenting with where I might take them as a means of practice based exploration. In contrast, the higher education, theory based learning model entails a type of learning that I thought I am naturally less intrigued by. Thus questions are raise as to whether I would prefer a more practice based introduction into my intended career as a videographer.


The reason I was so taken back by Seth’s analogy, is that it finally clicked for me the difference between higher education, theory-led learning modules and more practice-led pathways to a career in the media industry. Our discussion of the changing world of online video and evidence of just how much media practices have altered, even in recent years clearly indicates the importance of an innovative approach to future media practice. Whilst I was so caught up in an aspiration to create linear videos that may address the current needs to the media consumer, this will not necessarily function as a successful stable practice in years to come. Another perspective to consider could be the fact that future media practices could be unpredictable and potentially by practice-based experimentation, a media practitioner may encounter  an innovative example of media practice.


This notion highlights the usefulness of the Online Video Experiments studio itself as it is designed to balance practice-led experimentation with theory-led exploration. To reconstruct my approach to the recurrence of this issue, I think it is important to contextualise notions regarding the usefulness of an education module not only within a present text, but also within a future text. Furthermore, if a similar issue was to arise again, I would suggest seeking relevant theories to help broaden the scope of the issue beyond my individual concerns, to gather alternate perspectives for consideration.

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