The Story Lab

Wednesday the 3rd of June started like any other day. We had planned and planned for the culmination of our extended campaign involving two separate parties locked in a fierce […]

This project has grown a long way since its inception at the beginning of the semester. From a fledgling idea, to posters being put up around campus, to live tweeting […]

Post About Posting Posters

  We did it. Our campaign has begun today with the release of our first artefact into the real world: Jeff Shroud’s first campaign poster. We have put the posters […]

Our project is currently well into the planning process, with the narrative well-established and the model of distribution evolved to it’s current state of completion. At the moment, we are […]

After watching the first two episodes of the web series Starting From Now, I was immediately drawn and enthralled by this conventional story of a love triangle. It has all the […]