
Stories told through different mediums present new and engaging ways for audiences to interact and unravel the narrative. Giovagnoli talks about the Transmedia model as being “both simultaneous and asynchronous,” which means that the story is being communicated to the audience through the use of different media in a wave of intermittent updates, rather than a chronological stream of information to be processed. This relationship between the author(s) and the audience can be difficult however, for although having a project conveyed through many different media platforms is a great way to increase the exposure of a project, this multitude of sources leaves many ‘points of entry’ for the audience to become involved. This is where a project must be carefully planned to ensure that the audience does not stumble across “a project’s primary point of entry in a traumatic or unsuspecting way, but rather by consciously moving towards it.” Within these Transmedia projects, there are several different models and systems that are employed for different styles of communication and involvement. The different media platforms themselves within a Transmedia project have to have a certain type of relationship with each other, so as to best tailor the experience for the audience and ensure that the intended story and response is achieved.

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