That’s why I’m in it and I can’t get out.

Hypertext. Really interesting stuff. Texts linked to each other and other texts not in an axial structure, but rather a big network of interconnected information and content. Sounds very familiar.

I am interested by the fact that it is seemingly endless. There is no definitive start point or finish, instead we have a large web of intertwined thoughts and ideas that can be read, accessed and potentially interpreted in entirely different ways. This is surely a brilliant and equally dangerous tool. It can be used for great feats such as archiving and referencing other works, which it seems we must always take into account whenever we write anything. The nature of referencing and comparing one text to another is committed so often that we don’t always realise that it is even in occurrence. Soon texts will bleed together in an amalgamation of metametatextuality that is impossible to trace back to the origin. I find the thought of this impressive and immensely sad, simultaneously. The wealth of knowledge and analysis will be enormous, but originality will come under attack.


How can one flower’s beauty be truly appreciated if it’s withered petals are anticipated before it blooms?


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