Blogs are an amazing way to collate and present ideas, findings, discussions, opinions, artistic works and many other forms of content. The blog has become a tool for both personal and professional content sharing and its flexibility as a forum has made the blog invaluable to employers and educators alike. However the blog has really taken off within youth culture.
It seems that more young people are taking up blogs as a hobby, almost as a substitute journal or diary, in which they can post their feelings, opinions and life events (anonymously if they so choose). Wheres blogs are only used by older generations if they work in a media orientated profession, or have interest and activity within media, the percentage of social and leisure blogs among youth is much higher. High school to university aged students are using blogs to share among their social circles.
Back to the diversity of blogs. Many older bloggers, already established in their media profession, operate multiple blogs: one for professional use and one for social use. For example, a friend of mine works as a advertising designer and as part of her job she is required to keep up a blog with all of her work and projects for prospective clients to view; almost like a portfolio. She also has her own personal blog where she can re-post other content she found interesting and publish her own content and opinions independent from her advertising firm.