The Art of Persuasion (M5, W1)
The Art of Persuasion
Pictured left: Stills from Ai Wei Wei’s ‘The Human Flow’ 2018
What is it that makes us human? The defining quality that sets us apart from all other species on earth. Is it consciousness? Intelligence? Or both; that of an innovative mind. Why bother to change the world, our lives on earth are short lived and the world has many problems and issues that arise on a day to day basis- but then that brings the question why bother to do anything at all.
Documentary film brings a platform for conversation, in many cases informs those uneducated on topics that have been brought to the forefront of today’s media.
Ai Wei Wei is a Chinese contemporary artist, sculpture, photographer and filmmaker. His new film incorporates a contemporary cinematographic art style that follows the journey of a global human displacement. There are many motifs that connect the film as a whole, the film is a statement on the fact that “Over 65 million people around the world have been forced from their homes. to escape famine, climate change and war in the greatest human displacement since World War II.” In conservative media these issues are dismissed, ignored or resented.
“Artist film-makers are not manufacturers of the escapist dreams of conventional cinema; indeed they have almost wholly rejected narrative and concentrated on film’s formal qualities.” – Richter H, Film as Film: Formal Experiment in Film, 1910-1975, The Arts Council of Great Britain (1979)
Formal experimentation within film allows an audience to question material beyond that of what we see in standard cinema. The way we present an issue is extremely important to how the audience will understand that particular topic. In many cases experiential film allows the individual to have a varied interpretation that makes them question the source material and create a contrasting view and argument. Having to interpret media allows for an active audience, and an active audience means they are more likely to be educated.
Below I have included documentaries that have affected me as a consumer of today’s media. Most topical issues center upon climate change, human rights, beauty standards, female equality and our obsession being materialist within a capitalistic society.
What I enjoy about these pieces is not only the way the content is delivered but also the amazing cinematography that makes the shots involved visually encapsulating.
- An Inconvenient Truth (2006) Al Gore
- Before the Flood (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio
- The Human Flow (2018) Ai Wei Wei
- i-D Beyond Beauty (2016) Grace Neutral
- i-D Exploring Girl Power (2016) Adwoa Aboah
i-D is a channel that is consistently producing content on uncovered issues that does necessarily make to the mainstream media. Some of the content focuses on the stigmas associated with Tattoos in different countries as well as beauty standards as well as female equality in underdeveloped countries.
If I were too take inspiration from these media makers- it would influence me to produce a piece of media that talks about an issue that personality or emotionally affects me (just as the refugee crisis touches Ai Wei Wei and many other individuals).
I have always had an interest in Victorian drug laws and issues with sustainability. After reading information on China’s recycling ban I questioned why Victoria has not put it’s own recycling plant into action and why we are still exporting most of our waste overseas. This makes no sense, it’s not sustainable but the most frustrating thing is not many people know about this issue. This again is where documentary can do it’s magic. It can change people- inform them and start a conversation as to why these important issues aren’t being addressed.