Seeing the Unseen ‘Noticing with Korsakow’ (W11 MEDIA 4)
“How can we notice new qualities in our media by letting a piece of software create random relations between our media parts?”
(Week 11 Tutorial)
In this week’s tutorial we learnt about the platform ‘Korsakow’ which allows you to select media, add keywords or tags and create an interactive platform. This platform plays the media you have selected and connects it through the keywords entered. I found this platform interesting and I liked the examples Hannah showed us including the project ‘Ceci n’est pas Embres’ which displayed the juxtapositions between Winter and Spring. The most wondrous aspect from this particular project for me displayed a grid (roughly 8×8) of various clips of windows. Every now and again someone would open or interact with the windows and it was interesting to see the inter-connecting relationships between the clips and how altogether they create a new piece of media that is completely different than from the individual clips themselves. Kane and myself were also in charge of the weekly update, Kane filmed whilst I decided to edit the video- I did so in a way that was inspired by the Korsakow platform, unique, innovate and introspective. Below is what we put together, I think it is a good reflection of week 11 and I am interested to see what next week brings.
W11, Studio Update, Tash & Kane from Seeing the Unseen on Vimeo.