Seeing the Unseen ‘Research & Experimenting’ (W10 Media 4)
Biggest Thing: This project aims to achieve an in depth level of noticing on individuals; the project wants to en-capture someone’s nature and routine and present it in an experimental form that creates and emits the emotions that- that individual possesses. Are we able to display and present a piece that is a reflection on someones character? And do our habits create the basis of our character and they aspects we can change or are some strongly inbuilt into our nature?
Big Things: In order to accomplish my goal I will need to both observe and film a subject whilst recording their habits via audio and visual media formats, then I will present this research in a video-film based format.
Small Things: Timeline (Due Date October 20th)
Week 10 made me reflect on what I will be learning from the final project and to make sure that I don’t block myself off into thinking one particular aspect and detain myself from being open to new ideas. Emotionally I’m feeling quite down, although my project will help me learn more about noticing individuals I do feel like it doesn’t have as much passion in it as I would like. I wonder if I should continue to my original plan or make small alterations to make sure I’m content in what i’m creating.
The Artist Is Present (Marina Abramovic)
On a final note, I wanted to take the time to talk about an artist who has inspired me for this project, Marina Abramovic. Abramovic does performance art, her body is the canvas and her movements tell a story.
The piece below is a project that particularly inspires me. In this performance Marina Abramovic gazes into a strangers eyes for however long the stranger chooses. The purpose is to demonstrate the importance of presence, human connection and especially the connection we have when we look into ones eyes as this is the gateway to the soul and presence. We can reflect this back to our fast-paced society and how we tend to brush over intimate connections such as taking the time to appreciate and notice one another.