Week 11 – Tutorial
Feedback on our audio essay; Michael and I who were present exhibited our group collaborative work to Brian for feedback. We knew that the material we had put together would be over the five minute limit mark but myself and Michael weren’t too sure where to cut at present we wanted a little more time to discuss and think about the structure. I gave him some ideas although by Thursday we hadn’t fully applied all of them to the project.
A decision to cut out some of our research was made and our tutor (Brian) gave extra feedback in cutting out more ‘excess’ information that lead the narrative in a different direction which may make the audiences a little less engaged (this included talking about Facebook login security) whereas we just kept to security and location proximity settings in general.
We also needed to equalize the audio (another factor which was just not done in the draft due to lack of time) as well as re-record the narrative material Michael and I speak about as they were in different tones which didn’t quite meld together as neatly as we’d like. We needed to speak less conservative and more as though we were reaching out to a larger audience that were seated in front of us.
The background audio would also be changed again another factor which wasn’t set in stone during the draft- the current audio was too repetitive (another feature our tutor pointed out as well), thus we decided to change the music and make it sound more technological during the second half as the piece really shifts into the development of technology. We will possibly also include some electronic device sound effects to add extra pace to the piece (the sound of typing on an iphone or the buzzing hum of a device left by itself). All in all the feedback really helped us note what we needed to change and also made us plan out next meeting (minutes).
Week 11 – The Walking Ads & Project Update
Another conceptual approach to advertising could come in the form of students, as Gloria, Michael and I traveled to Federation Square with film gear in hand. Many individuals asked what we were recording, this caused us to answer with a statement involving that we were university students from RMIT studying a Bachelor of Media and Communications and has to fulfil a certain assignment.
One gentlemen stated he use to teach physics within the city campus, whilst another student from Swinburne told us she wished to transfer to RMIT and asked about details within the course. This got me thinking are student themselves advertisements? Or even further as Michael my group collaborative partner pointed out to me “Aren’t we all walking advertisements”. The clothes we wear, the makeup, the technology (smartphones), hairstyle, every material aspect we display is a possible form of advertising. Specific brands use branding which especially help consumers identity a products background. An example would be ‘Stussy ©’, a worldwide brand which is now recognized for its contemporary designs and youthful consumers.
As an update on our project the interviewing process went well, at first we assumed it would be harder than imagined. There were a hefty amount of rejections but a surprising amount of applicants wanting to be involved, some who were even quite charismatic about the topic. I was the camera operator, Gloria on sound and Michael was the interviewer as well as the individual handing out the release forms.
Overall it was interesting to hear about this topic, one Irish individual even included he knew that there were potential risks involving wearable devices but didn’t care change his lifestyle, I believe this says a lot about the society we live in.