Week 8 – Tutorial ‘Annotated Bibliographies’
The week eight tutorial was the first tutorial I missed due to being ill, It’s strange how far behind you can feel even after only missing one class. Nevertheless the Media 1 blog was a savior having all the content discussed in class online helps me stay in check and once I was feeling slightly better, study, research and begin working on project brief four’s annotated bibliography.
The tutorial involved checking in with collaborative contracts (In my case Michael Firus and Gloria Chen). Group 4 (which is was presented with the theme ‘Mediums and Technologies’) seems to be doing quite well.
We have launched and are actively using a Facebook group to share content as well as making sure nobody uses the same sources for their annotated bibliographies.
Our tutor Brian Morris also explained how to use the RMIT Library (and eLibrary) to collect resources to do academic research. This is for the annotated bibliographies and the overall project, it re-enforces that the sources we are using for information are creditable as well as verified.
Finally in the tutorial there was a briefing on audio essay techniques through examples from Radiolab (http://www.radiolab.org/). The momentum in the audio essays was maintained through the use of overlays of separate audio pieces or mixed and re-edited vocals to give the piece pace. The easier part of an audio essay compared to film is that mixing and overlapping audio is much simpler without always needing to add a visual counterpart. This is especially when a presenters content is good but content must be slashed.