Week 6 – Lectorial Reflection (10/04/16)
A few crucial steps to writing a critical analysis and or evaluation is to understand your target audience. In this case it will be lecturers, tutors and students- although from the lectorial understanding we are also writing for any whom happen to stumble across our blogs so we must write as though these people have not always read the materials we have.
What I have learnt from this weeks lecture (week six) is that I must (in order to form a habit) is to not only reference the readings but also write about how they interconnect with each other and how all the content we are learning comes together to form a broader picture.
The substance of what is in the post must also be checked, in reflection to the lecture I remember that there must be a key point in that every post- a push and pull. This would be to create a piece that has balance, purpose and meaning and overall create an argument or point.
My focusing point for this week would be how should I go about improving my writing, after finishing high school I went into a Diploma that required almost no theoretical skills (essay writing, referencing and critical evaluations included). For me this means I’ve lost touch in my writing, I believe in order to regain the structure that I once had and wrote with I must continue readings outside of the original set list.
How often do we pick up a book and analysis it without having to write an assignment, at my age hardly ever. I think for me it would be important to start analyzing books I read and really breaking them apart in order to understand how to write better reflections because these posts as stated aren’t just meant to reflect there meant to be argumentative and include critical thinking.
Finally I also believe to always be aware of the reading biases and when reflecting on a reading write what the biased would have been on that particular author this will help create an argumentative piece without having to pull very far.