Week 3 – MEDIA INITIATE (18/03/16)
This weeks tutorials theme focused upon aspects involved in media making, and although the content watched as apart of the readings delved into the technical side- we as media makers need to learn both technical and practical in order to succeed in modern day society where competition is at an all time high (and probably will continue to grow as the population itself increases).
Now in this post I wanted to talk about something that coincides with increasing technology and also something that interests me, below I’ve shared with you a ‘TED Talks’ that discusses that the issues involving drug addiction are not caused by drugs alone, the main factor that causes addiction is issues such as Isolation, alienation and loneliness.
So in a society where we seem to appear always connected there is a darker side and a stronger disconnection in certain areas. This talk gives examples of how Heroin was used commonly during the Vietnam war but once soldiers returned home and were embraced by family the usage stopped, so how come people with addiction in modern society it isn’t that easy, a simple fact could be we think people are fine when there not, it is the illusion of connection due to social media.
It’s so easy to create a facade, a false front that sometimes we forget what people are exactly like in real life especially if we don’t see them as often as we should. There’s a saying I know that kind of relates to this image representation, “The saddest people smile the brightest.’-Anonymous.
Basically if you want to know if someones okay see them in person and ask them don’t send them a facebook message, It makes me really angry that this has become the social norm, especially around people in my age group. I once had a friend who wasn’t able to ring me up on the phone because she said she wasn’t use to it and it gave her anxiety. I didn’t understand this, go back a decade ago and it would have been one of the only ways to communicate. So social media has literally created a platform of disconnection and ‘depersonalization’ (I can’t stress the latter enough). A facebook profile isn’t necessarily personal in fact it can be the opposite a shop front for what you want people to see you as.
So as you think about why people feel so isolated in a world where we are meant to be so connected make sure you think about what connection means.
Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong | Johann Hari | TED Talks
Week 3 – Self Interest (17/03/16)
Hold up, hold up, what? Lets talk about religion and media mingling together to forum this new modern contemporary age where even conservative and traditional icons are getting into the funkiness of social media.
So this might not be a major surprise considering Pope Francis has a way of linking the catholic church with younger generations as well as modern society by being not only more charismatic but also more understanding of what people now want and need. It’s interesting to see how the broader communities observe changes in the media and know what’s trendy, It’s kind of humorous to think that the Pope probably now has someone hired to help him create, edit and publish posts. Can’t wait to see what comes up next on his account.