The Pitch

Today in our studio I pitched my idea for film project two, and I think it went really well. I looked into the feedback I received for assignment two and reflected upon the presentation I created and delivered in order to improve this presentation. I think there are a lot of factors that go into a film pitch but after coming out of this one I feel as a lot better than the first one in a few different ways:

  1. I think my film pitch is stronger and is something I’m a bit more passionate about.
  2. I thought my presentation was better because I fully thought out the concept, aim and research behind my ideas

I tried to make my idea really group orientated because I thought all the film projects had to be film orientated however as I was presenting my idea I realised what I had been feeling all along is that I’d really prefer to make this film alone instead of a group. In a group probably wouldn’t sit right with me because it just would involve other people making calls about my own footage and well my family and I just don’t really know how I feel about that, and that’s really nothing personal to anyone in the class. But really if I was to make this film, I’d want to make all the shots and not have to compromise.

After the green light today I’m going to go and give all my 7 miniDV tapes (7 hours of footage) to a shop in Kew that will digitise them. When I last called them they said it would take up to 1-2 weeks so hopefully I get them quickly and can start organising the footage to create a structure and then finally edit and create my short film.

I’m really excited to make this to see what I can come up with, but also when the project is completed show it to my Dad. I know he’ll really love it and I’m really excited to show it to him, and the rest of my family once I’ve made the film and a full press junket for it.

Can’t wait to get started! For now here’s a cheeky picture of my brother and I at a playground.

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