Okay, I have one more thing to say

Despite feeling like this project was completed and I had done everything I was required to, apparently I’m not. I’ve actually got one more thing to say. So I’m going back to Breaking Bad because well I’m binging it and even after watching this episode like, close to 24 hours ago I still cannot stop thinking about the lighting choices within this particular scene. A different one to the last but nonetheless I still can’t stop thinking about what a great decision it was by whoever made the decision.

Let me elaborate, first here is two stills from the scene I am discussing which is from Season 3 Episode 09, where Walt (protagonist) (I’m unsure how familiar you are with this television show, anyway) is talking with his I guess drug boss. The tensions are incredibly high and I cannot find a video of the scene anywhere but the conversation is very very important to I guess where they are in the show at this present moment.

These shots are consecutive of one and another and just speak volumes. Both characters lead double lives within the show, they hide in plain sight and are categorised and seen as good and active participants in society, but underneath all that they are drug pin kings. I feel as if in these two shots in particular highlight this point so very well, having a harsh split right between the middle of the their faces with the lighting in my eyes is a metaphor for their double lives. On one hand they are one person, but on another they are two men with enormous power, making millions and millions of money out of meth. Not only is it a metaphor I believe for their double lives, but for who they are as people. As the series progresses you understand a learn about Walt, a kind caring family man who just wants to provide for his family but when situations arise he is not willing to take matters into his own hands having (spoilers) killed a man basically with his own bare hands.

During this scene I could not help but notice the lighting, it’s so stylised but so important and made the scene in my opinion just so much better. It symbolises so much but leaves a lot of interpretation up to the viewer, if the lighting hadn’t been styled like this I’m not sure if the scene and the conversation had would of had as big of an impact on me as it did.

Anyways, this is the last thing I have to say/write about. Thanks for coming along the ride this semester, although granted not my best I have enjoyed myself and learnt a lot of important stuff along the way.


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