Little Innocent Me
3 more days till this old roster (me) is 21.
When looking back at high school and where I saw myself at 21. Being at uni surely wasn’t in that vision. Iv’e always been a very hands on and practical person so going to TAFE straight out of school was in my eyes perfect. I was in a class of no more than 15 people so the teacher was bale to crete relationships, learn our strengths/weaknesses and use them to their advantage. I created a tv show that was on channel 31 and made radio programs for our online channel we created. Looking back, it was one busy year.

In saying this we live in an era where the difference between two words can change your future. (degree over diploma)
I am proud that I have stuck to uni so far but more importantly am excited to se what my thoughts are of Uni once I complete my course.

Who knows what I’ll be doing 21 years form now but fingers cross I enjoy it!



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