Development 3

This week the group presented a progress report to the class, I wasn’t able to be there however I know that the group had the opportunity to show Georgia and the rest of the class what our concept was and how we as a group were exploring it. Further it gave the group the opportunity to get feedback from our class mates. From this we were able to consolidate ourselves as a group both on our concept, how we were going to move forward with our project in terms of production and our communication as a group.

Through the presentation the group ran through the concept how it would look and sound in the final edit.This also gave us the opportunity to hear some feedback from Georgia and our fellow classmates, luckily the feedback was positive which gave us as a group the confidence to produce the rest of out project. With the knowledge that our concept was not only solid but explored well we were glad to move forward knowing we were right on track. Further, a concept that was brought up was the stereotyped languages, without wanting to come across racist and offend anyone we as a group were nervous we might do this as stereotyping and generalising people and their languages can be touchy for some people. However the class and the teachers took it on well and it left us room to look into how everyone interprets thins differently bass on their own ideas.

As the group presented without me that day I asked them what research I should do to catch myself up. Allegra told me to look into a guy called John Cage because he was mentioned throughout the class and that she thought researching him would benefit us with out own presentation. Upon my own research I discovered that Cage is an American Composer who spent a large component of his life studying sound and more importantly the study of silence as a sound. A well known piece 4 33 is legitimately a video of a composer going to perform infant of an audience with a piano but not playing anything at all, after four minutes and thirty three seconds he walks off stage. Specifically the point Cage was making with this piece is that sound or music is more than a voice or an instrument being played. Even extraneous factors play into a performance, for example in 4 33 you can hear the audience in the background, Cage is making a point that instruments don’t necessarily mean everything in music. Cage came up with the theory that silence doesn’t even exist because even in silence you can hear the human body working. What Cage experimented with in music and sound strikes right at the heart of what our group is trying to achieve, taking away words (sound) within our own video means there is silence for people to interpret and hear the extraneous variables.

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