Blog Post 5



 Today there are 5.2 billion people that have a mobile phone in the world. That’s 67% of the world’s population. In my lifetime I have seen the evolution of the mobile phone change completely. We are living in a world of constant innovation and change. Our mobile phones are more powerful than ever, and they are at our reach always. Sometimes I feel like my phone is a part of me.


 Just like the design of phones which has evolved into something so sleek and elegant, we have also seen apps evolve and become extremely powerful and useful for users. The app store is filled with millions of apps competing for our attention. As marketers, the importance of staying up to date with trends is even more important. It’s essential to understand which apps the target audience is using- in order to strategically market to them according to the affordances of the specific app.

 If we look Tik Tok, which is one of the fastest growing social media platforms in the world. Tik Tok has only been around for 3 years and it’s safe to say it has exploded in popularity. The app attracts over 800 million users. Even though this app is mostly for fun, short videos, and the demographic on the app is mainly people between the ages of 16 and 24 (Globalwebindex, 2009) there is so much potential for marketers to hone into viral trends and harness mobile marketing effectively. There is so much potential to raise brand awareness and engage with consumers through creating challenges and collaborations on the app.

 Here are some examples:

Some brands that I’ve seen harness mobile marketing on Tik Tok include: Crocs, Bohoo, Calvin Klein, Morphe and many more. 

It is essential for brands to tap into the different applications where they can creatively target their audience.

 Have you seen any effective mobile marketing on Tik Tok or other applications?

10 Comments on Blog Post 5

  1. Josh
    August 23, 2020 at 7:08 am (4 years ago)

    Hey Naomi.

    Nice work on this one! Love or hate Tik Tok, its user-base is way too far reaching for it to be ignored as a marketing strategy, especially if your target segment is within that age range.
    Hopefully it hangs around for us to be able to use it as marketers some day soon!

    Looking forward to the next one.


    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 23, 2020 at 9:47 am (4 years ago)

      Tik Tok can be harnessed by marketers, especially creatively. I’m loving seeing brands adapt and change as apps do.

      Thanks Josh for your comment.


  2. Jesse
    August 23, 2020 at 11:25 pm (4 years ago)

    Great read! Unfortunately I don’t have Tik Tok but I know there is so much scope for a marketer to capitalise on this platform to render effective marketing. I think that tik Tok has so much potential purely from the large volume of users that it has. Look forward to your next post !

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 23, 2020 at 11:42 pm (4 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment Jesse. Tik Tok is such an addictive app- might be for the best haha.

  3. Emily
    August 24, 2020 at 1:09 am (4 years ago)

    Hey Naomi, Awesome post! I think Tik Tok has great potential for targeting consumers through their geographic location.

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 24, 2020 at 4:28 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment Emily. There is so much potential on Tik Tok target specific groups and people interested in different things- especially through using hashtags.

  4. Emily
    August 24, 2020 at 7:28 am (4 years ago)

    Hey Naomi,
    Great post! I think businesses that look ahead to try and understand what the next ‘big craze’ will be, are always the one that end up on top. I find it so fascinating how quickly people can get attracted to an app like TikTok in such a short period of time! I know that every time I open up TikTok, it always starts with an ad! So it’s a great way for businesses to get on the trend and create awareness for their product.

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 24, 2020 at 12:42 pm (4 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment Emily! Yeah great point, so important to stay up to date with the latest trends and to try to tap into popular culture as well.

  5. Name*
    August 25, 2020 at 1:59 am (4 years ago)

    Hey Naomi,
    Great post! I definitely have seen many brands harness tiktok to gain consumer attention. Just recently I saw an advertisement for apple promoting its lasted edition of the I-phone and its upgraded dual-lens camera system. Whilst I haven’t considered getting a new phone just yet, I am sure it would gain consumer attention from Tik-Tok users who want to enhance their videos.

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 25, 2020 at 7:03 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment. Yeah you’re so right and that’s such a great example of yeah a big brand planting a seed on an app that is gaining traction.


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