Blog Post 4


 In the digital world we live in, we are exposed to new marketing content every day, with marketers praying we hit share so the content continues to circulate. Viral marketing utilizes social media platforms, by encouraging customers to repost and share information about a particular brand or product with their friends (Adamic, Huberman & Leskovec 2007). While this can be an effective way to get a message or product circulating fast and wide, it begs the question of whether or not a brand’s message gets lost as it spreads on the internet like a virus?

Although some things go viral by accident, it is important for marketers to make sure their message is clear and relates effectively back to their brand values and beliefs. Making sure that brands utilize triggers to allow consumers to make natural connections with their products is a must. This can be done via utilizing emotion to appeal to the consumer. For example, Always‘ #likeagirl marketing campaign which appealed to people on an emotional level. The campaign went viral and generated attention from all over the world with people having conversations about what it really means to be a girl. The videos that circulated on social media have over 68 million views.

Word of mouth is still extremely important when it comes to ideas spreading. Digital marketing and social media marketing have made it easy for consumers to like and recommend products and services to friends and family. As marketer Seth Godin argues, products that are remarkable are ones that will gain more attention from consumers. As consumers we have access to information and videos of products before we purchase them. This is why it is so important for digital marketers to set their products apart from the crowd. The phenomenon of online reviews have become so well received by consumers that on social media, some influencers have dedicated content which reviews different products for their followers. For brands, re-sharing positive reviews of products/ services can help drive business. I know that sometimes I look at testimonials before I purchase a product, because I value other people’s opinions.

 What opinion on a product or brand are you most likely to trust the most; celebrities, review videos, influencers, friends/ family and why?

14 Comments on Blog Post 4

  1. Indi Robertson
    August 9, 2020 at 11:26 pm (4 years ago)

    Hi Naomi,

    Personally, I trust the opinions of friends and family as I believe we share likeminded attitudes to how a product/ brand should act or feel. However, I have found myself going deep into reviews specifically with skincare products/brands as I don’t believe influencers or celebrities can be trusted when promoting products as its often through paid advertisements thus we are less likely to receive a trusted product review.
    Look forward to more from you!
    would also appreciate if you could give mine a read and comment when you get the chance 🙂

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 10, 2020 at 2:26 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks Indi for your comment. Yes I am the same Indi with skincare products, I often find myself in a hole researching skin care brands to investigate if its worth the investment.

  2. jesse
    August 10, 2020 at 9:40 am (4 years ago)

    Great Post! For me the influencers I find most persuasive are high level athletes, despite sometimes it is quite obvious that they are clearly being paid to endorse products. I especially love when athletes (or celebrities) endorse their own brand, I find that that has a profound effect on me and often stimulates impulse purchases. Look forward to your next post!


    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 10, 2020 at 10:17 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks Jesse for your comment! Yeah I agree with that, I feel like especially brands with celebrities attached to them need a strong alliance between the product and the celebrity and all that he/she value.

  3. Rian Triantafilidis
    August 11, 2020 at 4:40 am (4 years ago)

    Hey Naomi!

    First of all I want to say that this was a great blog entry which provided plenty of information! I agree with your anecdote when you discussed that you seek testimonials prior to purchasing a product because I do the same. Furthermore, your contention that stated messages can very much get lost as videos go viral was absolutely spot on.

    Rian Triantafilidis

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 11, 2020 at 4:59 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment Rian, appreciate it! Yeah it’s awesome how people can find out so much more about products before purchasing them. Highlights the importance of marketers monitoring social media and responding to consumers.

  4. Theresa N
    August 11, 2020 at 5:35 am (4 years ago)

    I think its super interesting how you touched on the emotions attached when brands are trying to market something, really good read!

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 11, 2020 at 5:48 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment Theresa, I definitely think emotion can be a effective trigger to gain the attention of consumers.

  5. LeslieLiang
    August 16, 2020 at 2:10 pm (4 years ago)

    Impressive post Naomi! Really like the example of Always‘ #likeagirl, it shows the power of viral marketing. It is true that a brand can utilizes viral marketing to sell their products and promote themseleves,the outcome could be very unexpected.

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 16, 2020 at 11:36 pm (4 years ago)

      Thanks Leslie for your comment. I think the #likeagirl campaign was very meaningful and became viral because of the strategic tactics that Always used.


  6. Jess Hall
    August 18, 2020 at 4:23 am (4 years ago)

    Really interesting post Naomi! Great example about #likeagirl and very informative.

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 18, 2020 at 6:06 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks Jess!

  7. Chloe Schiavone
    August 24, 2020 at 1:39 am (4 years ago)

    Great Post Naomi! For me the influencers I find most persuasive are my family and friends, however I do sometimes get swayed by celebrity influencers! I have purchased a few products based on influencers opinions however they most likely have been paid ads! Look forward to your next post!

    • Naomi McKeogh
      August 24, 2020 at 4:30 am (4 years ago)

      Thanks for your comment Chloe. Yes I would agree with you! I do think that influencers can be the drivers of trends which can be caught onto by friends. It’s pretty cool how trends and the spread of information is so fast these days.


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