Mona's Fairground

NDIN1: Interactive movie game ‘Late Shift’

To be honest, I have no idea what I am going to do for New Directions in Narrative.

Again, story writing… (I HATE IT!!!!!)

Writing is my weakness skills all the time even though I already have done “Story, Genre and Medium” last semester, but it’s kind of horrible things to me.

Ignore my complaining, let’s back to the track.

The interactive movie game ‘Late Shift’ inspired me a lot after I watched the trailer. The live-action crime thriller with a multi-optional storytelling gives game player a fantastic immersive feeling. During the whole game, game players have the choice to decide the track of the story until the end. Different players will have their various ending depending on their personal choices. Another interactive movie game ‘Until Dawn,’ it’s kind of a horror game but same using the interactive storytelling giving players multiple options reach to the end.

I am obsessed with playing survival video games such as King of the Kill and Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds which gives me a thrilling experience. Especially when the game approach to the end only has five survivors, I can feel my heartbeat. And I also enjoy crime movies because I think murder is the perfect spark for a storyline and there is no higher stake than human life. Now what I was planning to do for this course was work on an interactive movie storytelling primarily focus on the crime thriller. But I still intend to research more on interactive movie also the genre of crime and thriller.

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NDIN1: Interactive movie game ‘Late Shift’

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