Mona's Fairground

WEEK 6|Howard Gardner, 2007, ‘Minds Viewed Globally: A Personal Introduction’ in Five Minds For the Future, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, ch.1.

The article discussed five minds that people will need in the future by Howard Gardner, following he explained how those five minds work and how five minds can nurture in learners across the age span. The five minds for the future refer to five characteristics of the mind that Gardner suggests each person should aim to cultivate and develop the best ways to do. The five kinds of minds span both the cognitive spectrum and the human enterprise–in that sense, they are comprehensive, global. The five minds for the future as set out by Gardner are:
1.The Disciplined Mind
2.The Synthesising Mind
3.The Creating Mind
4.The Respectful Mind
5.The Ethical Mind
Gardner believes that five minds especially premium in today’s world and will be even more so in the future. Also, he believes that in a workplace we should be looking for people who exists with strict discipline, synthesis, creating, respect and ethics, but should all continue to develop all five minds perennially ourselves.

Human are different, and each person may have strengths in one or more area, so we should endeavor to develop a balance of all minds. I am wondering and ask myself after this reading: how many of those I have right now? No matter how many I have, after the reading, I deeply felt I need to be a person have ‘five minds,’ the way to achieving that is never giving up,working hard and learning the advantage from others in the future to make myself more outstanding.

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WEEK 6|Howard Gardner, 2007, ‘Minds Viewed Globally: A Personal Introduction’ in Five Minds For the Future, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, ch.1.

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