Mona's Fairground

One more shooting reflection

As I wrote last time, in my own film, the second scene, the girl in her apartment watching tv and get a call that her friend invite her to the party, I didn’t shooting too much shot on that scene, so i did one more shooting on this scene in this week. As i just want to focus on camera angles and movements, so i didn’t pay more attention on actors, lighting, and clothing.

During this time, I try to uses lots different angles highlights the loneliness of the girl. In my original film, I shoot the girl’s shoes to represent she’s single, but when i re-view the shooting, i think it’s look not good. So, this time, I change it to the girl back to home take off her shoes on the rug. I uses hand-held,because the space is too narrow,can’t set up a tripod. I really like the way that give a empty frame, that causes audience may want to expect what’s the next, and the girl walking into the frame, only a MS introduce the girl live by her own.

r12After that, following she goes to living room, the camera tilt up slowly until she sits on the sofa gives her face a MS. The girl’s face in the frame, what she looks like. During this shooting, i try to present the frame setting is symmetrical, because i think it’s more let the main character stand out.


4 5I change the camera angle form the front to side, i really like how the warm light causes a loneliness felling. Compare with the last shooting, I think this time it’s getting better, following different position shooting, more depict how the girl’s live it is.



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One more shooting reflection

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