Mona's Fairground

Week 10 exercise rough cut

Just done the rough cut for my week 10 exercise, because it’s too long and i just make it to a little film, that what i want at the beginning. During the edit, i found must fun because compare with shooting, i found editing is more suitable for me,i really like the way cut each shots and then make them together to cover a scene. Using lighting, video effects and audio effects in Premiere make the shots become more smooth and more real. I really enjoy editing and explore the techniques to improve myself. One of the tough thing is I need spend more time in the edit suit to edit my shots become more perfect.

In my rough cut, the first scene is people pass by the lift, i use hand-held, medium shot shooting people from their waist to their feet, because I just wanna focus on their walking and pass by the lift. I cut it into two little different box around black background, totally there got five cuts, each cut i change the boxes position and invert it, i wanna create a scene that people met and passing by. Next, cut it to a medium shot, camera positioned in the corner, camera is fixed.Lara waits the lift and Mike come out, both of them focus on plays their phone and didn’t notice each other, Mike bumped into Lara, they met, following Mike, the camera panning from left to right. When Mike bumped into Lara, the frame stopped, which i wanted highlights they met, and that ‘bumped’ is the key points that they fall in love.  Then cut to a over Mike’s shoulder shot, he stares Lara, I slow the duration, the angle i think is well because at that moment, from Mike’s angle of view, that highlights he loves the girl.
Then cuts to Lara come in the lift press the button, Mike still stared her. Camera is positioned in the lift, hand-held, this angle highlight Mike’s inner world, he met his love. This frame contrast with the last one frame. Then cuts to Mike’s view, the lift closed.

n1Next scene, in Lara’s apartment, she’s lying one the sofa, watching tv, her friends called her went to a party, in this scene, i did not shooting too much shots, and the lighting was too brighter compare with the previous scene. I need to improve that in the final cut. And i was thinking to reshot this scene, need more angles to highlights her lonely world. Also, only one frame it looks boring.n2 Then cuts to the door open, Lara changes her clothes, uses hand-held tracking her, in this shots, i wanna highlight her exciting inner world, her fast step with the shacking camera.

Cuts to next scene, Mike was drunk, uses hand held, following he goes into the gate, the camera tilt up from his feet to a low angle, this angle reflect his mood, then tracking his drunk step to the lift, he falling down, try to press the lift button. After that, cut to a close up, he pick up his phone in his pocket, look at Lara’s photo, then cut to a medium shot. He was drunk, and unconscious.

n4n5Then cuts to a medium shot to lift, Lara comes out, camera following lara come up, then quickly gives Mike a shot, that means Lara saw Mike, after that, camera back to lara, following her movement camera tilt down. It’s a turning point in this scene that Mike said his love to Lara, and Lara’s sympathy, help Mike back home take care of him.

Next scene, cuts to MS, Lara and Mike come out from the lift, camera shaking reflect their unpeaceful inner world. Then cuts to camera positioned in Lara’s apartment, she open the door, still hand-held, camera a little bit shaking,  following they moving closer, the camera move back. Then cuts to their back, keep walking to the sofa, Mike lying on the sofa, holds Lara’s hand.

Lots of issues in my rough cut, such as i need correct the light, need changing the audio level, and cut it more smooth. As my investigate camera  angle and movement, imitate Wong’s film style, I think i did it. Highlight character’s inner world and audience can feel they are in there.


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Week 10 exercise rough cut

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