Mona's Fairground

My Method of Working Part 10

As i wrote last method of working part, i wanna focus on camera angle and movement to achieve my goal, and i did some notes and research.Angle describes the weight and relationship of characters (roles). Angle emphasizes the relationship of the scenes. Angle is an external form of directing the context and styles.

Angles of movie shots can be classified into two kinds: vertical variations and horizontal variations.

  1. The vertical variation
    -straight-on angle
    -high angle
    -low angle
  2. The horizontal variations
    -Front face (0.)
    -Side face (90.)
    -back face (180.).

Parallel viewpoints are normal human viewpoint relations; so straight-on angle scenes do not have greater visual appeal. Three purposes:

  1. Seek for smooth scenes, correct vision and balance, not big, obvious perspective relationship.
  2. Create a narrative style, point of view style, visual style, and integrate the screen effect into the director’s creation.
  3. Represent the subjective point of view of the players.

High angle and low angle are special angles for movie shots. Their functions are as follows:
1.Represent the subjective sights of characters.
2.Express the psychological feelings of the characters.
3.Express the subjective evaluation of the author or the characters on people and things:
high angle: positiveness to people and things;
low angle: dissatisfaction or negativeness to people and things.
4.characterization:Using camera angles for characterization is what I shall pay particular attention to learning. It will subtly but strongly demonstrate the characters.

Following those knowledge, and combine the film of Wong, i will imitate Wong’s shooting style of using camera angle and movements. Watching his film and select one i liked, and pick up a scene then imitate his shooting style create to my own style.


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My Method of Working Part 10

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