Mona's Fairground

My Method of Working Part 8

For my last method of working I wrote about how I want to use the rest of this semester and got an idea of wanna reshot a scene I liked in a favorite film. To achieve that goal, I think ‘planning’ is the most important thing needs me to consider. The choice of the script, and thinking the way to shot, the best way doing this is using the knowledge I’ve got from last few weeks, watching again and again all the scene we shot, then thinking what’s the good in it or bad in it, also need to analyze the shot angle, is the shot cover the scene or not? And why? I think make a list might be useful, it might including:


-What’s in this scene?

-Shot angle

-Technique of using camera

Then, to thinking the way to achieve my own working, also, need to consider the place of shooting, lighting, and the actor etc..

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My Method of Working Part 8

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