Today marks the fourth day of analysing my media consumption.

So this morning I woke up late and eased into my day with a shower and a nice cup of coffee. I scrolled through my Instagram, Facebook newsfeed to see what my friends had posted and the other accounts I follow. I liked the pictures I found appealing. I also did my Snapchat streaks 😛

Then the morning turned into a disaster. I was listening to my playlist on Soundcloud when I saw the bus approaching and made a run for it. When I got onto the bus I realised my music had stopped playing, I checked and my earphones had unplugged from my phone. Then it got worse, I couldn’t find my phone. I got off the bus, realising it must of dropped when I was running for the bus. So I ran all the way back to where I got on the bus and there my phone was (THANK GOD!!!!). I got on the bus again and went on Messenger to let my boyfriend who I was going to visit that I was on my way  and what had just happened. However this made me miss my stop. I got off the bus annoyed at my distracted self and ran all the way to his house, with my Soundcloud music blaring in my ear.

When I got to his house we watched a movie together on Youtube. Then we decided we were in the mood to bake. So we went on google and searched a healthy chocolate chip, peanut butter oat cookies recipe. Successfully we followed the recipe and our cookies were amazing. However there was a lot left over to clean. So he played some music off apple music for us as we cleaned.

When I got home I watched some TVD clips off Youtube and then checked my student emails. Then obviously I went on my blog and started writing this blog post 🙂

So that was all the media I had consumed for today. As you can see I used media in many different ways:

  • to communicate with my friends
  • to escape boredom through entertainment
  • to keep up to date with friends and the rest of the world
  • to do my university work
  • to create things I didn’t know how to create

Using medians such as:

  • Soundcloud
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Messenger
  • Youtube
  • Gmail (student email)
  • websites (google search, my blog)


  • blog post (public)
  • messaging (private)
  • snapchat streaks (private)


  • Soundcloud playlist (public)
  • Apple music playlist (public)

Contributing/ Distributing:

  • Scrolling through Facebook and instagram newsfeed (private and public as friends posts can be private but other accounts could be public posts that everyone can see)


  • Soundcloud songs (public)
  • Apple music songs (public)
  • student emails (private)
  • website searching (public)
  • youtube watching (public)
  • looking at posts on insta and Facebook (private and/or public)

I consumed and produced media today. I was both passive and active towards the media consumed. I contributed, authored, curated, distributed, publishing and consumed. Media consumption can also fall under public and private categories.

Nakita xx


Today marks the third day of analysing my media consumption.

I started my day with my usual morning walk to UNI with my boyfriend. We always carry my speaker with us that way we can both listen to music as we walk without the annoying drag of sharing headphones. We listened to music off Soundcloud. Listening to my ‘rap’ playlist and liking songs from artists we like such as Xavier Wulf and Bones, adding some of their tracks into this playlist. We were running late however to class so we had to tram half of the way. We checked tram tracker on my phone to see what time the 109 was coming.

When I got to UNI I sent my snap chat streaks and then did some blogging on my blog before class started. I also watched a TVD video on  Youtube as I’m a huge TVD fan. In my media 1 class, I went on my laptop to check my student emails, updated my blog and then checked my google drive to see if I submitted my assessment correctly.

We got let out of class early and I made my way towards Melbourne Central. I messaged my friend on Messenger because we were meeting there to go shopping. I communicated on this app with her to see if she was close by etc. After we met I decided to finally buy the adidas I had been searching for. So I checked different websites such as Platypus, Hype, Adidas to see which store had the shoes I wanted cheapest.

Afterwards when I got home, I started getting ready for the SSS Melbourne UNI Foam Party. I checked Facebook to see what time the event was and where. Then after the party, me and my boyfriend used the UBER app to uber home.

So that was all the media I had consumed for today. As you can see I used media in many different ways:

  • to communicate with friends
  • to escape boredom through entertainment
  • to do my university work
  • to get to places
  • to find things

Using medians such as:

  • Sound cloud
  • Snapchat
  • UBER app
  • tram tracker app
  • Facebook
  • Messenger
  • websites (platypus, hype, adidas, my blog)
  • Gmail (student email)
  • Google drive


  • blog post (public)
  • messaging (private)
  • snapchat streaks (private)


  • Soundcloud playlist (public)


  • Facebook checking events (public)
  • checking google drive (public)
  • website usage (public)
  • tramtracker app (public)
  • über app (private)
  •  checking emails (private)

I consumed and produced media today. I was both passive and active towards the media consumed. I contributed, authored, curated, distributed, publishing and consumed. Media consumption can also fall under public and private categories.

Nakita xx


Today marks the second day of analysing my media consumption.

Wednesday’s are also my longest day at UNI, meaning that I’m not using many media contents apart from Media factory, myrmit, blackboard and my blog in order to complete and organise my university work. I used these sites from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Using my blog in order to publish new blog posts throughout the day about my readings, initiative posts and of course this daily media consumption post. Blackboard and myrmit were used for my Introduction to Cinema Studies class, analysing the guidelines to writing up my reading log which I refer to each Wednesday. After our screening that day I also searched up information about ‘Sunrise: A song of two humans’, the film we are studying this week. Searching for cast members, directors and re-watching key scenes on Youtube. Media Factory was used to search up upcoming assessments on the home tab for Media 1.

In the morning I make my own way into the city for my 8:30 class. My day starts with me walking to Glenferrie station, which involves me listening to Soundcloud, my curated playlists of different search songs grouped into different genres. When I arrive to the city, I have to order my daily coffee and muesli for breakfast. I log into the NAB banking app to see how much money is in my account in order to purchase my order. While I eat and drink I scroll through my Instagram and Facebook feed. Liking photos, commenting/ tagging friends in memes etc. I also go on Snapchat to send my daily streaks. I then make my way to class and use Messenger to message my friends to meet somewhere before class so we can all walk in together and sit together.

After UNI my boyfriend and I use the UBER app to get a lift home. At home, we bring up the movie ‘Just Married’ on Youtube and sit down together to watch it. Then when he leaves, I crawl into my bed and just before i go to sleep, I check the weather app, to work out what I should wear before I walk in to university tomorrow.

So that was all the media I had consumed for today. As you can see I used media in many different ways:

  • to communicate with my friends
  • to get to places
  • to be organised
  • to escape boredom through entertainment
  • to do my university work
  • to be aware

Using Mediums such as:

  • Soundcloud
  • Messenger
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • NAB internet banking
  • Weather app
  • UBER app
  • Google (media factory, myrmit, blackboard, my blog, google search a movie)
  • Youtube
  • Snapchat


  • Blog post (public)
  • messaging (private)
  • snapchat streaks (private)
  • UBER ordering (private)


  • Sound cloud playlist (public)

Contributing/ Distributing:

  • Scrolling through Facebook and instagram newsfeed (private and public as friends posts can be private but other accounts could be public posts that everyone can see)


  • Weather app (public)
  • Youtube (public)
  • RMIT sites (public)
  • Soundcloud songs (private)
  • Scrolling through Facebook and Instagram (public)
  • Researching film on Google (public)

I consumed and produced media today. I was both passive and active towards the media consumed. I contributed, authored, curated, distributed, publishing and consumed. Media consumption can also fall under public and private categories.

Nakita xx


Today marks the first day of analysing my media consumption.

I used the technological tool ‘GOOGLE’ which was the main content I consumed today. Soooo it all started with looking for a pair of shoes. My mum has tirelessly informed me that I need to invest in a new pair of adidas superstars, reasoning that mine are looking ‘too used’ and ‘worn out’ (classic mum banter). However when mum bought a pair that were black and white (the standard) I rebutted how I didn’t want to own a pair that everyone else wanted. You got adidas superstars to be individual, as with each new season a new release of a limited pair of sneakers. So I jumped online and thoroughly searched the web for my shoes. Based off prior knowledge I knew which stores carried this style of shoes. So I looked into various sites such as platypus , adidas and hype etc. Through these websites I used the search system to look up ‘sneakers’ and later filtered my search to ‘adidas’ in order to quickly find the range of adidas superstar shoes I was after.

Everyday I walk in to the city and everywhere I go between university classes, involves me listening to music off my phone. Generally I listen on Soundcloud. On this medium I am able to listen to the songs I have saved into a playlist. Or I find new songs from favourite artists that I can then like and put into my playlist or create a new playlist.

Today I also met with my friend and had to use Facebook Messenger in order to communicate with her, so that way we could find each other easily. I used it to communicate with her regularly so that way I could track her journey as she comes to meet me and it also provided a place to inform each other where to meet and when. I was also showing her around my university and had to look up the RMIT map (through the search engine on RMIT website) so that way I could take her to all the buildings I wanted to show her and the ones we wanted to explore together.

In the morning before University I scrolled through my newsfeed on Facebook and Instagram. I found memes on Facebook which I commented my friends in and checked notifications where I could see what I had been tagged in, what events I had coming up etc. On Instagram I looked through the photos my friends had posted and checked the Insta I had uploaded (photo  taken on my phone) a few nights ago to see the likes I had accumulated. I also went on snapchat and sent my daily snap in order to save my streaks and to open and reply to snapchats my friends had sent me.

During University, I uploaded a media 1 blog post about my reading online. I also used the internet to go on the media factory website to access my readings for the week. I also checked my university emails to make sure I was in the loop with the course work and to see any exciting RMIT news.

So that was all the media I had consumed for today. As you can see I used media in many different ways:

  • to communicate with my friends
  • to escape boredom through entertainment
  • to keep up to date with my friends and the rest of the world
  • to do my university work
  • to find things

Using mediums such as:

  • SoundCloud
  • Facebook
  • Messenger
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Google (platypus site, adidas site, hype site, RMIT site, media factory site, my blog site)


  • blog post (public)
  • messaging (private)
  • snapchat messages and streaks (private)


  • Soundcloud playlist (public)

Contributing/ Distributing:

  • Scrolling through Facebook and instagram newsfeed (private and public as friends posts can be private but other accounts could be public posts that everyone can see)
  • Replying to facebook notifications (public)


  • online shopping (public)
  • RMIT website searching (public)
  • Soundcloud songs (public)
  • Viewing posts on Facebook and Instagram
  • Readings on Media factory site for university course work
  • Reading through RMIT student emails

I consumed and produced media today. I was both passive and active towards the media consumed. I contributed, authored, curated, distributed, publishing and consumed. Media consumption can also fall under public and private categories.

Nakita xx


In the vast spectrum that is defined media, tagging is implemented in order to link. Tags are used for viewers to find content easily through searching a hashtag relating to the content or to generate views through exposure in sorting your content with a hashtag. The instagram @foodiesinmelb uses tagging through hashtags. Hashtags reveal elements the posts include to gain more views and to link the posts to categories. As demonstrated in this @foodiesinmelb instagram post . I’ve now learnt how to incorporate tags into my own blog posts. I generally tag posts with words outlining what the post is about, so viewers interested in my post can easily allocate it.

Nakita xx


In Week 4’s Networked Media Reading the post-structuralist ideas of theoretical frameworks are introducted:

1)TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM: As Thorstein Veblen (1920’s) suggests the belief that technology is the agent of social change.

  • linked to the idea of progress
  • a new society can be formed through innovation
  • ‘culture shock’ is produced from new technology
  • usually the present instilled onto the future
  • certain technologies can make cultural effects
  • a new technolgoy forms new potentials and possibilities


  • every technology is an extension of human capacity
  • medium is the message- McLuhan
  • media significance is the way media alters our perception of the world
  • history can be defined through technological change
  • new media introduces an obsession of exposure within our society

3) BAUDRILLARD AND THE TECHNOLOGIES OF SIMULACRA: As Jean Baudrillard suggests a theory  of signs which are copies of other signs.

  • medium is the model
  • precession of simulacra- is when reality is overtly reproduced to result in a ‘hyperreal’ condition (more real than the real)
  • reality is controlled by stimulation evoking it obscene
  • ecstasy of communication- reactions to stimulations instead of the immediate environment (1988)
  • signs are now consumed rather than objects
  • the idea that communication is communicated for its own sake, therefore the message is eradicated.

4) CULTURAL MATERIALISM:is the foreground to the complex interplay of factors associated with cultural change.

  • Williams believes it is the need to expose ‘political’ and ‘economic’ decisions behind new technologies
  • supervening social necessities- Winston argues ranges of social directions that alter an innovative process
  • Technology provides opportunities, it doesn’t force its audience to take part
  • the way technology is consumed relies on the characteristics of its society
  • GOVERNMENT REGULATION: technologies are developed or repressed
  • The illness Technophobia


  • Technology isn’t the result but the process
  • Change is technological can either degrade or enhance
  • social attitude


  • everything is change
  • Foucault’s theory suggests culture is the circulation of techniques


  • we are disappearing
  • taken over by machines
  • we see the world as a series of interruptions like a cinema montage
  • technology is accident prone and imperfect

Nakita xx