So on Thursday last week we were pushed into our groups to kickstart the creative process for our final studio presentation. I was first with my set/props/costume/beauty group the first creative decision we had to make was which desk. However I couldn’t stay for majority of the group discussion as I was also part of another group which is the marketing team. We discussed our social media strategy which was each of us advertising on a particular social media platform such as Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook  and Twitter. I am also on finding the audience duty. We then discussed if we are going to do posters etc. which still needs to be clarified and then also had ideas of asking rusu and other rmit student groups to give our production social media accounts a shout out. I was also on the weekly update so i had to go around filming other classmates within their groups and just analysing everything that was happening within the class that i could discuss in the weekly update.

Nakita xx


So the studio last week was the initial start up of our final projects. Our project Blood Donation made it into the top stories which will be covered in the segment, the other ones that made it was Special Religious Education and War on Porn. We also discussed possibly included MS paint also. We were also given our production roles, I am part of the Marketing team aswell as the set, props, makeup, hair, costume team. The class consisted of a discussion of back and forth discussion of possibilities and excitement towards this final project. We were also visited by a guest speaker Matt Parkinson who has worked on the Chase, Full Frontal and Comedy Central. Is was interesting to see how he started off as a wannabe actor from Perth to a comedy news writer in Melbourne. He taught us three different ways in going about writing a comedy news script and told us that it takes time and determination to make it into the media world, particularly comedy.

Nakita xx


The studio class was set up very differently this week compared to other weeks. We spent the full four hours in the discussion studio space in building 9. The first two hours consisted of presenting our briefs to our lecturers and the rest of the class. Our presentation did very well, each of us explaining different areas of our project, some important facts, bits of the scripts, creative opportunities and why this topic is important and good for a comedy news segment. The lecturers were very impressed by our work and so were the students as when the polls started our idea was one of the highly popular ideas, meaning ours could be used for the final project. We then spent the rest of the session discussing the reading and Leo also told us that we need to vote which role we wanted in the final project. This week made me really excited for whats to come in the last few weeks of this studio.

Nakita xx


So we finally completed our Group B studio production. The studio began by instantly putting into action our segment production. The first 20 minutes were spent setting up our set, camera placement and angles, setting up our audience, setting up lighting, uploading autocue, setting up graphics and finalising our production roles. We then began practising the segment, finalising blocking cues as well as vision switching cues, audio cues, EVS cues and graphics cues. We then finally were given the order to film the production (we also only had only one shot to get this right which made us all a bit nervy). As my role of director I was in charge of making sure that everyone was cued correctly and that visually it was aesthetically pleasing. I believe I did a good job at cueing the vision switcher, the shots worked really well through adjusting between each camera at certain points created a sense of drama and interest to the viewer. However there was one aspect I wish I could of gone back to change. As we were filming the ending of our segment our EVS operator had made a mistake queuing the audio to early, although to give him credit he was just someone in our course who had to do the job and learn the job on the day. When I gave him warning to play the audio, he played it when I gave the warning, meaning it came on to early. However apart from this small slip up, it can easily be overlooked and the segment can appear to follow the guidelines of the task by having a creative yet informative script, well decided set and other creative,  aesthetic features, and roles were carried out to a high standard etc.

Nakita xx


Yesterday we were once again in the studios, however it was far more intense this week especially within the practical component of the studio. Our group began in a room by ourselves, working together in discussion as we formulated the script. What order to run the different stories in, how to make them flow, and our key jokes. We then caught up with Leo and filled him in on how our group was traveling, he was somewhat relieved to hear that we were up and running, making some good progress. We also did a timed read through infant of him and it was recorded at 6 minutes. Which is too long however isn’t hard to fix, just need to the condense the script now into 4 minutes. We went then finally ended up in Studio A. We decided to have our  talent stand during the segment, her background appears an empty studio, a ladder, camera and green screen is featured around her. We also decided to start the segment with her walking in through a wide shot and immediately staring at another camera to begin her proclamation which is a close up shot. We got into our positions and began practicing the segment, trialling new ideas, our talent got to read the script through auto cue for the first time (this was challenging for her however, and we had to stop and start again many times, but you know what they say practice makes perfect) and also got to get more into depth within our production roles.  However there was some good and bad news. the Bad news is our segment must be filmed and presented our next studio class, this is bad news because it’s very soon and there’s still a lot to do. The good news is that our group works hard, and i know we can do this comedy news segment to a high standard whatever the odds, also Jai gave me some free thins bread (YAY GO JAI!)

Nakita xx

The Dissident Humor of The Daily Show

The Daily show works through it’s use of aesthetic parodic discourse to combat an aesthetic political branding techniques. An idea of CULTURE JAMMERS can be analysed within the show through its interpretation of news, potentially jamming the transmission of the dominant political brand message. Through a reliance on humorous parody, it incorporates their own voices into conversation in an innocuous way (after all, it is just a joke).

Jamming Techniques used on the Daily Show:

  • Parodic Format
  • Strategic Video use
  • Socratic Interview Style

Jams Dominant Political Images through:

  • Proliferation of humorous dissident images, images that exploit leverage points
  • Factual erros, logical contradictions and incongruities

In Conclusion the Daily Show utilises emotion-ladder discourse through a satirical version of humour and laughter. If we can laugh at it, we can examine it, evaluate it, even critique it.

Nakita xx

Jon Stewart’s reinvention of Political Journalism

Jon Stewart’s the Daily show is proposed to by a hybrid of news, comedy and political discussion.News is presumed to be lowering its standardises the good principles of journalism – independence, inquiry and verification- are often sacrificed to meet the demand for eye catching content. With this ‘new’ concept of news (comedy news), statistics show that 21% of audiences ages 18-29 proclaim they regularly get their news from comedy shows and 13% learn from late night talk shows. The Daily Show has 1.2 million people running in live and 800,000 watching repeats. The audience makes up of 41% aged 18-29 and 27% are aged 44 plus. However although many proclaim that Jon Stewart’s The Daly show is the ‘new’ news however he insists it’s ‘fake news’ and there to ‘make people laugh’. It can be better unstop as an alternative journalism through use of satire, parody and dialogue. It resembles much of mainstream news through following conventions such as 8 minute segments on one new, important issue, quick stories back to back with graphics and interviews with important news worthy guests. It’s a form of political communication, through using humour as a license to confront politics and demand a measure of accountability, yet also advocates Democracy.

Nakita xx


Back again in the studio. We spend the first two hours of the class going through the weeks reading once again. However it isn’t until we get to the practical component that the class becomes much more interesting. The class begins with us getting into our ‘Tough on Crime’ comedy news group. My group (Group B) started off with Leo discussing the script. however we ran into some problems, as we had a lot of ides for our segment but didn’t have a clear contention we wanted to portray to our audience. We discussed ideas of how to lay out our script, when to talk about APEX, patrol, fear psychology and the mobster concept. Then we met up with Ruth and started blocking our segment, giving each other production roles. I am the Director of the segment and we’ve decided to block our talent standing up in the segment as this opens her up to more possibilities to act out her scripting. We then caught up with the man teaching us the sound devices, learning about the different types of microphones, how to put on talent microphones and how to use the sound control box.

Nakita xx

Media 2 Studio PB2 – Research on Gay Men Donating Blood



Media 2 Studio PB2 – Research on Gay Men Donating Blood


  • A man who has had sexual relations (oral, anal or safe sex) with another man cannot donate blood for 12 months after sexual contact in Australia
  • These policies aren’t meant to discriminate but are based on risk assessment
  • Even men in an exclusive gay relationship has on average, a 50 times greater risk of HIV infection, compared to heterosexual Australians with a new sexual partner
  • Rights aren’t what they care about, safety is what they care about
  • They don’t rely on testing alone as due to the timing and sensitive testing ,they aren’t able to pick up HIV straight away, therefore they take all safety precautions necessary
  • 2015 Australia showed that men who have sex with men are accounted for 87% of newly acquired HIV infections


  • Gay men donating blood in the UK
  • A man who had an sexual relationship with another man was banned for life in giving blood, no matter how safe or no matter how much time has passed
  • The ban was put into place from the HIV crisis from 1983
  • The 12-month ban period might change to 3 months. However this isn’t a promotion of LGBT but because of technological advances
  • It generally takes 4 weeks for HIV to show in a blood sample
  • Promoting ideas of blood donors being individually tested and trusted to regain equality
  • HIV still affects the gay community
  • Therefore donation should be implanted through a case-by-case basis
  • There needs to be more trust put into Gay men
  • The level of risk should be indicated by each individuals ability to donate blood, not by the gender of their partner/partners
  • For now it appears that gay men can’t be trusted in their sexual activity engagement, take pre-cautions or be truthful about what they’ve done


  • The HIV crisis in the early 1980s in Australia, changed the social and political landscape of Australia today
  • Gay men, IV drug users and sex workers
  • Between 1983-1985, 4500 Australians were acclaimed HIV positive,_Australia%27s_Response_to_HIV_AIDS_logo_1.pdf

  • The first diagnosis of AIDS in Australia was in November 1982 and the first death from AIDS occurred in July 1984
  • 6,459 deaths from AIDS in Australia
  • 23,989 of HIV infections
  • 9,392 cases of AIDS


  • Science or discrimination?
  • It assumes that all gay men are HIV positive regardless of their sexual behavior
  • Everyone is equally at risk for HIV infection, however it needs to be about specific sexual behavior and not sexual orientation
  • The FDA is considering to shift the policy to gay men need to abstain from homosexual sex for 5 years before donating blood
  • Agency is being conservative as they are worried about blood banking errors
  • ‘Dayton says changing to a five-year celibacy policy will result in more than 62,000 new men donating blood. Less than one unit of HIV-positive blood per year would escape into the blood supply.’
  • ‘A one-year celibacy policy would generate 112,000 new donors and up to three units of HIV-infected blood, Dayton says.’
  • “Most gay men want to do their duty and be able to give blood”


  • May 2015, FDA suggested a shift from the life long ban to a 12 month ban on donating blood for gays in America
  • However this notion of the ban although has improved, is still considered very discriminative towards the gays
  • The FDA implemented the lifelong ban in America in 1983 due to the HIV crisis at the time
  • This ban included men having sex with men, women having sex with men who has sex with men, transgender individuals who have had sex with men who has sex with men were also banned
  • Those in relationships or use condoms or undergo abstinence are banned still
  • There is a clear need to increase the number of individuals willing to donate
  • 38% of the population is willing to donate but only 10% does
  • 2,603,004 individuals are banned from donating blood
  • ‘Were the ban lifted, it would result in an estimated 130,150 additional donors and 219,200 additional pints of blood’
  • Dr Alix Mathieu (the bans opposition leader) stated ‘this disease is not one of races or nationalities, it is one of risky behavior’
  • This message sent from all places ‘banning’ gay men from the donating of blood makes them feel ‘unwelcome’. This ban can make them follow the rules of not donating or make them lie about previous sexual relations in order to donate blood
  • FDA should shift to an ‘Assess and Test’ model on every individual attempting to donate blood
  • ‘The Assess and Test approach uses rational and scientifically based deferral periods, applied fairly, to maximize the donor pool and minimize risk.’
  • There needs to be more awareness and support from every individual about this discriminative issue at hand


  • More than 6% of men declare they have had sex with a male partner at least once since the age of 18
  • 4% of men have had a male sex partner in the past 5 years
  • 5% of men have reported having sex with another man in the last year
  • The Centre for Disease control estimate that 532,000 men who have sex with men are HIV positive
  • 39% of HIV negative eligible adults are able to donate blood in a given year but only 5% actually do
  • ‘Approximately 16 million donations (of a pint of blood) made by 9.5 million donors, yielding approximately 1.7 donations per donor.’
  • ‘If the current MSM ban were completely lifted, we estimate that an additional 130,150 men would likely donate 219,200 additional pints of blood each year.’
  • ‘If MSM who have not had sexual contact with another man in the past twelve months were permitted to donate, we estimate that 53,269 additional men are likely to donate 89,716 pints each year.’
  • ‘If MSM who have not had sexual contact with another man in the past five years were permitted to donate, we estimate that 42,286 additional men would make 71,218 blood donations.’
  • ‘Our analyses suggest that lifting the ban could increase the total annual US blood supply by 0.6% to 1.4%.’
  • All statistics are estimated by the Centres for Disease Control


  • Every 2 seconds someone in the US needs blood
  • Approximately 36,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the US
  • Nearly 21 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S.
  • The average red blood cell transfusion is approximately 3 pints.
  • The blood type most often requested by hospitals is type O.
  • The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs.
  • It is estimated that sickle cell disease affects 90,000 to 100,000 people in the U.S. About 1,000 babies are born with the disease each year. Sickle cell patients can require frequent blood transfusions throughout their lives.
  • According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.69 million people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in 2017. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment.
  • A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.
  • An average adult has 10 pints of blood in his/her system and only 1 pint of blood is donated


  • One third of blood donated helps treat people with cancer
  • The blood donated can be made into 22 different medical treatments
  • You can donate whole blood, plasma or platelets
  • Plasmas donated are used for cancer blood diseases, haemophilia, anaemia, heart disease, stomach disease, childbirth operations, blood loss, trauma, burns
  • It can be stored for 42 days
  • You can donated every 12 weeks
  • 34% is donated to cancer and blood diseases
  • 19% is donated for other anaemia cases
  • 18% for other open heart surgery and burn
  • 13% is donated for other problems such as heart, stomach and kidney disease
  • 10% is donated to orthopedic patients including fractures and joint replacements
  • 4% is donated to obstetrics, including pregnant women, new mothers and young children
  • 2% is donated to trauma including road incident patients

Nakita xx

Does Jon Stewart hold the news accountable?

The Daily show embodies two reasons behind its existence; one it claims that the ‘real news’ is failing its democratic function, two it mocks the genre of television news itself. Yet his commercial approach helps make traditional news media accountable to the public. But the question every one is asking is how does Jon Stewart hold the news accountable?

  1. He holds it accountable by pointing out inconsistencies
  2. He holds it accountable by point when inconsequential news is blown out of proportion
  3. He holds it accountable by critiquing the very nature of broadcast news

However Stewart makes points through embracing the comedy factor yet besides the laughter he ensures the audience understands and take in this important point ‘News Journalism could do better to support the democratic system that has given it such life’

Nakita xx