So we finally completed our Group B studio production. The studio began by instantly putting into action our segment production. The first 20 minutes were spent setting up our set, camera placement and angles, setting up our audience, setting up lighting, uploading autocue, setting up graphics and finalising our production roles. We then began practising the segment, finalising blocking cues as well as vision switching cues, audio cues, EVS cues and graphics cues. We then finally were given the order to film the production (we also only had only one shot to get this right which made us all a bit nervy). As my role of director I was in charge of making sure that everyone was cued correctly and that visually it was aesthetically pleasing. I believe I did a good job at cueing the vision switcher, the shots worked really well through adjusting between each camera at certain points created a sense of drama and interest to the viewer. However there was one aspect I wish I could of gone back to change. As we were filming the ending of our segment our EVS operator had made a mistake queuing the audio to early, although to give him credit he was just someone in our course who had to do the job and learn the job on the day. When I gave him warning to play the audio, he played it when I gave the warning, meaning it came on to early. However apart from this small slip up, it can easily be overlooked and the segment can appear to follow the guidelines of the task by having a creative yet informative script, well decided set and other creative,  aesthetic features, and roles were carried out to a high standard etc.

Nakita xx

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