Our Media 2 Studio class began with a debrief of this weeks reading and looking into how satire and parody can form a comedy news segment. We then broke into groups of 3 (A, B and C) which will be our production team to form our PB2 comedy news segment. We then moved into the practical component on the studio , first we discussed how to go about research. When researching our topic ‘Tough on Crime’, I was given the research task on focusing on this idea with a special interest towards the psychology behind it (FEAR implementing strategies). Then we finally got to practice and learn the roles in the studio. Learning the classic camera angles, how to count down as the floor manager and how to conduct the whole process as the director, we switched roles between the studio room and the control room. After this class I had a much greater understanding behind the roles and responsibilities behind making a news segment, it also found inspiration and ideas behind how to begin the assignment through the research phase.

Nakita xx

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