Our PB4 (group podcast) must focus on the ideas of ‘attention’, our group chose to unpack this question – Why have advertisers given more of their attentions to new media platforms instead of traditional media platforms? – I specifically focused on Social Media and how it can promote products through its famous users and design affordances. I chose Instagram as a case study when accumulating readings and displaying my arguments as it’s an app I use regularly and many people consume. It is also one of the major Social Media platforms under the branch New Media that advocates and embeds Advertising. Through using examples of celebrity Instagram users who use their image to advertise products or how companies convert their advertising tactics, implementing product placement through their account.

The most successful aspects:

What I believe to be the most successful aspects of the PB4 is the editing process of the podcast. After recording our voices, our non-chalant expression seemed to be somehow exuberant through incorporating a sound landscape and sound effects within our piece. Both our introduction and conclusion provided our listeners a space to tune in with eager anticipation. Listening to ‘broadcaster’ sound effect introduces the old media broadcast form from our question and social media notifications incorporating the new media, also displayed in our question.  Then bang, suddenly our question that is later explored is initially introduced to our listeners in a riveting and exciting manner. Not only does this soundscape end and begin our podcast in a fun manner for our listeners but the sound effects chosen to produce this sound, directly relates back to what our group is aiming to discuss.Also including sound effects as a transition between each new voice, was an easy and genius way to break up the piece and ease our listeners ears into a new tune. What also went well was the brainstorming aspect for our PB4. We all sat down together and wrote up everything we could think of in regards to the idea ‘attention’, from here we formed our question. After forming our question we wrote down everything we believed answered our question, stating the differences that set new media advertising and broadcast media advertising apart. From then on it was easy, each section we contributed to we chose to discuss in the podcast, as it was something we’d happily research and know how to discuss.

The most problematic aspects:

What I believe to be the most problematic aspects of the PB4 is finding sources to implement in the background of our voices. We wanted a soundscape that didn’t fully immerse our listeners therefore they could completely take in what we are discussing. However we couldn’t find music that we considered relevant to our piece, that wasn’t immensely distracting. So we found ourselves in a pickle, however when we got some feedback in our week 12 tutorial, we suddenly knew what to include. The ideas was to lead on from our sound effect transitions into background music. For example a phone ringing and then the new voice is heard, we are then immersed into an office space through our background soundscape behind the discussion. Setting up a relatable scene for the listeners and is relevant as it leads on from our previous transitions. What we all found challenging also was researching our individual areas, experiencing our own hardships through finding journal articles related specifically to our discussion. Also what we found hard was the physical aspects of recording. It felt like a weird and awkward experience, we constantly fumbled and listening to the edit we sound bored hahaha but you know what they say ‘just fix it in the edit’.

How does the audio work incorporated lectures, readings  and class discussion theories?

Well the ideas of ‘attention’ is what our first semester of classes constantly reiterate. That ‘media are triggers for making things happen’, it is the consumers continuous awareness of how media is implemented to gain our attention. Through advertisers using media as a platform to communicate to their buyers, they use it as a market place. Making things happen through (consumers wanting and buying their products through their newfound curated image on social media) advertising on media. Ideas of advertising has also been incorporated in the subject reasons and a lecture has been dedicated to this concept also. Therefore as our podcasts discussed question features ‘advertising’ and ‘media’, both of these concepts have been discussed in lectures, readings and class readings…..  meaning that our audio work does incorporate and interpret our understanding of theories discussed within this course.

What you learnt about the different affordances of audio-based media?

There are many various affordances within the medium audio- based media. One of the most aware affordance is the power of communicating a message (painting a detailed picture, one they visualise through sound) without needing to visually see to understand what’s communicated. Through the use of incorporated sound scapes and sound effects, the listeners can visualise and place themselves in a different environment, immersing themselves through sound into a different world. It not only has this power to transport listeners but also when used appropriately can highlight what is being communicated as what we hear elevates what is being spoken through how these other sounds relation to the piece.

What you learn in the making process about collaboration that might be relevant to your broader development as a media practitioner?

Through the making process through collaboration I learnt how to incorporated team work skills and use individual group members strengths to receive the best product which can be used later in life as a media practitioner. When finalising our topic for our podcast we decided to allocate research areas based on who was more confident in producing high quality research and good at transcribing it to podcast discussion with ease, therefore we portrayed how well we all knew to work in a team through listening to everyones opinions, considering individual strengths and applying the hard work through research which can later be transformed into a group project.

Therefore the finalised PB4 was successful in some ways and problematic in others. However it taught me sound affordances, how to incorporate course readings, class discussion and lectures into a project and finally how group collaboration within the making process can assist my development into a media practitioner.

Nakita xx

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