In this week’s networked media readings I realised how important videos are on the internet. They account for 70% of all internet traffic. Viewers lapp up over over 800,000 minutes of video that flow over the internet per second each day.

A list of how to achieve the best videos on different Social Media platforms


  • sharing videos natively
  • focus on the first few settings
  • use subtitles (silent video on newsfeed)
  • Shorter videos
  • Be Unique
  • Answer questions
  • Emotional Content is highly engaging
  • Interesting status


  • Share ‘behind the scenes’ content
  • Humanise your brand (make it personal)
  • Showcase the product experience


  • Inspire action
  • Be brief
  • Go Vertical
  • Real Time (raw content)


  • Feature people
  • Showcase product
  • Tell a story
  • Add Drama
  • Partner with influencers
  • Keep mobile in mind


  • Use stop motion
  • Explain how to do something
  • Be Creative
  • Entertain


  • Make them irresistibly shareable
  • Teach viewers
  • Opt for longer videos

Youtube and other videos online require participation.

Nakita xx


‘Media is more often than not consumed for the sake of consuming, than it is produced’


Media is regarded as a communication tool with potential to produce new material to progress society (Gauntlet, 2015). However Media is more often than not consumed for the sake of consuming, than it is produced. The term ‘Mass Media’ associates computers, internet, mobile phones and newspaper. All of which are the available media platforms provided in society today. Interaction online has changed sufficiently over the years from Web 1.0 being a one way void of communication to Web 2.0 featuring Social media, enabling a two- way communication for users. Similarly to the lack of Web 1.0, Broadcast media isn’t regarded as the commonly used consumption of media anymore, as Social Media has now become the new mainstream. It is this new media that heavily consumes the population as it’s a source that caters to every individual online. However when first established it functioned as a platform to author material to benefit society (Murphie and Potts, 2003) but through the addition of social media, many users neglect it’s original purpose. Users are found to consume this media as it’s an accessible and immediate platform with diversified information for the sake of consuming.


Thorstein Veblen’s Technological Determinism theory suggests that technology is the agent of Social change (Murphie and Potts, 2003). Furthermore explored through my own practice of this theory through documentation of media consumption; authoring blog posts, snapchat streaks, snapchat story, snapchat messaging, private messaging and UBER ordering (Podreka,2017).However my authoring of media list wasn’t very long and didn’t contribute much towards society in order to evoke a ‘cultural shock’. My media usage however reflected Virilio’s theory on the Technologies of Speed depicting a world taken over machines as we begin to disappear (Murphie and Potts, 2003). Evident in the list of Social Media I had consumed within a week; youtube videos, university readings, listening to songs on Soundcloud, scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest newsfeed etc. (Podreka, 2017). Through my experimentation of Media, I deciphered that my use of media wasn’t following the original purpose of media to produce influential material, I consumed this new, online media to keep up to date with my external environment (friends, family, the rest of the world) or to escape boredom through entertainment. Therefore I only consumed these platforms for the sake of consuming.


Consumption of Media occurred more frequently than my own authoring, curating, distributing/ contributing of media. I was consuming media every day, for long periods of time and through a lot of different platforms eg. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram etc. This took up majority of my day. When I walked the streets I was always listening to music off Soundcloud, I couldn’t walk without some form of media embracing me. I woke up every morning needing to fulfill my daily chore of sending streaks on my Snapchat. Eager to keep this streak alive for the sake of fulfilling this unnecessary goal. The stress and fear of losing a streak was not needed. Therefore everything I do revolves around media, in ways that don’t benefit me or anyone in any retrospect but I only consume this media for the sake of belonging in society, to feel no judgement and conform to society. I didn’t encounter many issues as I’m pretty well accustomed with the forms of media I use. The only issue I did face was an internal issue as I disliked how often I used media and the reasoning behind my media use. However I did like how vast ‘media’ is and how it caters for every individual. Limitations do occur however to online publishing as it can accumulate many forms of judgement, false accusations or fear within the author. In Contrast there are strengths being it is a place where opinions can be voiced within a community and it’s a system based off communication. Through my own documentation my voice online was established through blogging and I communicated through many platforms, however felt that I was judged and this created fear. However the main revelation I had was that my voice online wasn’t drastic I didn’t go out of my way to author media material. I was consuming media for the sake of consuming, to fit in and evoke belonging.
Media is constantly consumed rather than produced, through a fear of being judged and to evoke a sense of belonging. However a more in depth research about how media affects others and how it can cultivate society, including examples of people similar to me that have done so, this could of made the essay more developed and stronger.Through my media consumption, I was able to maximise the utility of these platforms eg. Using Instagram to like photos, comment on photos and tag my followers in photos. However I didn’t realise how encompassing my media use was. It consumed me to the point where going on social media felt like a daily chore I had to attend to in order to fit into societies routine and through this action I wouldn’t be in fear of being judged. Therefore I was my media was all consuming, I consume for the sake of consume because that was the mainstream. I wasn’t authoring any media material to benefit others. I was just trying to fit the norm of ‘media’ use to obey an unspoken societal guideline.


Gauntlet, D., 2015. The Creativity turn in Media and Communication Studies. Making Media Studies, pp.7-12.

Loh, T., 2017. Social Networks, Web 1.0 and 2.0. [online] coursera. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Murphie, A. and Potts, J., 2003. Theoretical Frameworks. Culture and Technology, pp.11-38.

Podreka, N., 2017. Media Consumption Day 1. [Blog] Nakita Podreka. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Podreka, N., 2017. Media Consumption Day 2. [Blog] Nakita Podreka. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Podreka, N., 2017. Media Consumption Day 3. [Blog] Nakita Podreka. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Podreka, N., 2017. Media Consumption Day 4. [Blog] Nakita Podreka. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Podreka, N., 2017. Media Consumption Day 5. [Blog] Nakita Podreka. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Podreka, N., 2017. Media Consumption Day 6. [Blog] Nakita Podreka. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Podreka, N., 2017. Media Consumption Day 7. [Blog] Nakita Podreka. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 Mar. 2017].

Media Operator and Online Advertising

In the Week 6 Media 1 Lectorial, a guest speaker visited us to communicate ‘How to be a media operator’, we also did a run through of Project Brief 3 and then watched the BBC documentary ‘The cost of Free’.

How to be a media operator:

  • You need to be a communicator (have a communication strategy)
  • have signed Realeased Forms (participants and locations)
  • Insurance and Legals administered
  • When it comes to location shooting (arrive early, allocate a green room and set up the equipment efficiently)
  • Always consider Safety
  • There will be Nightmares (how badly things can go wrong)
  • Serendipity (result of Nightmare possibly)

The Cost of Free:

– the virtual revoloution

– cookies (advertisements)

– Pizza Hut was the first company to produce online commerce (ordering pizza online) originally known as Pizza Net

– Web is the money making machine

‘Turned our curiosity into a goldmine’

Nakita xx


In the Week 6 Media 1 Reading, the idea of privacy versus publicly was challenged.

Currently there is an obsession with or rejection of privacy. Adults have assumptions on teen privacy (teens share too much). However teens fight back arguing that they have nothing to hide but still feel violated without privacy, believe that they can achieve privacy by choosing what not to share, parents on social media affect the social dynamic between teens. Teens complain that adults administer ‘intensive’ parenting, their nosy and lack trust within themselves and their child. However public is seen as a by default framework whereas Privacy setting takes more effort.

Nakita xx


Today I did a studio visit for the program ‘Room with a view’. The Rmit communication student radio hub aired on Triple RRR. In the Studio visit, I curiously engaged with these students as they presented their podcast demos to air next week Tuesday. I got a chance to learn the criteria they must abide by, the need to create warmth on the air (however stay professional) and the different segment ideas each group had for their podcast. It was an interesting experience considering it is a studio I’d consider studying in myself. However I was disappointed I wasn’t taken into any radio studios and seen physically how a podcast is created.

Nakita xx