What is missing in the journey you took with the documentation process?

What I thought was missing was probably media attached to my blog posts specifically about what I had watched, what I had listened to etc. Also I probably should of gone into more detail about public VS private media and how this conception affects my approaches on media.

What do you need to develop?

I need to develop my understanding of my media consumption and referring it to different readings. Therefore investigate which readings can further provide evidence to my key essay statement. Also develop and explore in more depth the difference between authoring, consuming, curating, contributing/ distributing and how this affects my media usage.

Is your writing critical enough?

I think my analysis of my media consumption is written critically however I need to explore and refer it to other peoples opinions on media through readings or other peoples blogs and also go into more detail about certain areas I didn’t explain or explore than much on in the blog post.

What ideas, propositions or arguments are starting to appear in your evaluation?

The main ideas I can see in my analysis is that media is often consumed than it is curated, authored or contributed/distributed. It is often consumed not as a need but as a want to escape boredom or to follow the social norm. That media often is thought of as ‘change’ and ‘new media’ but is often used to benefit oneself than to benefit others. Also that authoring your own media content isn’t a common trend and is often neglected by individuals as a fear or have to.

What could your essay focus on in your evaluation?

My essay could focus on ‘Media is more often than not consumed for the sake of consuming than it is produced’.

Nakita xx

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